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Andrew White (a.k.a. Wrath)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Given his penchant for getting up-close and personal with his enemies, getting into scrapes, and love of contact sports, Andrew is often seen sporting any number of bruises or cuts, wearing them proudly as an affirmation of his own toughness. Otherwise, he has a strong build, with broad shoulders and well-defined musculature from his various pursuits both in-costume and outside.

Special abilities

Wrath is a gifted psionic (a person able to create shapes in physical space using their telekinetic power) with a slightly unusual presentation as compared to most psychics on record. While most telekinetics channel their intellect in order to harness their power, Wrath is only able to do so via embracing his rage. As such, Wrath often prefers a more physical manifestation of his strength, using psionic shapes to enhance his punches or just to throw at targets. As Andrew allows himself to fall further into his rage in the heat of battle, the shapes he creates tend to go from recognisable fists and walls, to jagged and amorphous manifestations of raw emotion, beating down on an enemy until nothing remains but rubble.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Andrew White, as his superhero alias may suggest, has always been an angry kid. Gifted with a powerful psionic power, he always struggled to find a suitable outlet for himself and was often frustrated by an excess of energy. As a child, this would often result in misbehaviour that got progressively more dangerous as he aged, verging on criminal, not helped at all by the unresolved trauma at having lost his older brother at the age of seven.   As Andrew entered the latter half of his teenage years, he toyed with the idea of using his powers to commit crimes, but a chance meeting with Blue saw him receive an invitation into The Vanguard, with the older hero seeing it as a way for Andrew to channel his destructive tendencies in a way that wouldn't inevitably land him in jail.


Family Ties

Andrew currently lives with his parents Heath and Jacqueline, in the suburbs of Bathala City. They're a kind and gentle couple, but Wrath often finds their bland mannerisms and innofensive demeanour frustrating to be around, leading to friction in the household.   His other primary familial influence in his life was his older brother Peter, who unfortunately died when he was only a child. Nevertheless, the older White sibling has had a profound impact on his brother's development, even inspiring the colour he'd wear while superheroing, based off a red suit Peter would wear to formal events.

Social Aptitude

While perfectly capable of holding his own in a social setting, Andrew's misanthropic tendencies mean he often can't keep himself from acting out, making prolonged interaction with the young hero a daunting prospect.
Date of Birth
2nd of January, 2009
Brown and short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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