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Basic Information


Vampirius Vermibus is a species of pale gray, almost white, tapeworm like parasites, approximately 15 to 30 centimetres long when mature, with a single head and a single anus located at both ends of the body. The head has 3 eyes, one located at the ''forehead'', one at the left ''cheek'' and one at the right ''cheek, and a mouth, located between the three eyes, which holds two sharp fangs, used for clasping onto the innards of the host, in what can be considered the ends of the mouth.   These are the only traits consistent across the sub-species, as each has its own adaptations for its specific environment.   The Castle dweller sub-species has two extra appendages on the sides of its body which allow it to, somewhat, move across the ground in a way, a little, faster than simply slithering. These ''arms'' are about 7 centimetres long and end in 2 finger-like appendages uses to hold onto objects, though that is limited. It is also the second largest of the sub-species, with most ranging in size from 25-34 centimetres on average, and some becoming as long as a metre. They are also the least intelligent, with many lacking more advanced brain functions beyond what can be considered ''troglodytic''.   Desert dwellers are the darkest colored sub-species, with many being more beige or yellow than gray and white. Many believe this is as protection against the sun when they are exposed to it, tho this theory is rather disputed as most Vampiriks burn up when exposed to sun light. Desert dwellers have also adapted to their dry environment by developing an organ referred to as Solja Vode, or a watercup; two glands located in the hind and front parts of the body which store excess liquids drained from the host. It is the smallest of the sub-species, with most only being about 10-17 centimetres long on average. They are also quite intelligent, with many having figured out how to speak Batorian languages and even how to work metal, even if most are not great engineers.   Finally, the Void descendants are a completely white, massive sub-species. Many range from 40-300 centimetres in length and 10 centimetres in width, while other sub-species are only about 2 or even 1 centimetres wide, with a few being said to be about 12 metres in length. They have adapted to their life in outer space and the Phlogiston by losing all but one of their eyes, splitting their mouth into 3 parts to attach to large animals on the outside instead of the inside, growing wings to propel themselves, and developing the ability to grow a shell around themselves for protection when attached to large creatures like a barnacle as well as a shield against sunlight. They are also the most intelligent of the sub-species, with many knowing dozens of languages, being able to build complex machinery, and having an eidetic memory.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampirus Vermibus reproduces in three distinct ways, divided between the sub-species, though they can all reproduce with one another.   The Castle children reproduce by having two, or more, Vampiriks infect and merge with a hoste which then begin exchange DNA. This stew of genes will form into a sort of virus which infects the reproductive cells of the host who will then breed with another member of their species which will result into a batch of Vampirik eggs. For example; if Vampiriks infect a female Orc, and the female Orc then breeds with a male Orc she will give birth to eggs that hatch into Vampirik infants that can survive a good few months outside a host. Or, if they infect a male Orc, the seed of the male Orc will then infect the eggs of the female who then gives birth to the eggs.   Desert dwellers, on the other hand, reproduce using their own eggs and seed but they cant live long outside a host so they instead inject the children directly into the bloodstream of others. They do this by using the mutations the host undergoes when infected, fangs, pale skin, better strength, and greater tolerance of pain, to infect others. When two Vampiriks infect a host, the male inseminates the female which will lay eggs. The eggs travel to the hollow fangs of the host who will then bite another animals and inject a single egg into the new host. They can only inject one at a time but many Vampiriks will infect many different hosts to ensure the population remains on the increase. This is also where the term ''Vampire bat'' comes from, as bats are considered great hosts for children as their internal systems root out any viruses that threaten the child while providing a temperature that the child considers quite comfortable.   Finally, Void descendants reproduce via seeking out another of the opposite sex, inseminating one another, and then attaching to a host, generally Sky whales, and injecting their eggs into the host before detaching and seeking out an actual host for themselves. The children will then hatch within the body of the host, eat the flesh around them and slither out of the host before mating themselves and finally seeking out an actual host.   As mentioned before, all Vampiriks can breed with one another, meaning that despite the different methods of reproduction they are still all members of the same species.

Growth Rate & Stages

All sub-species of Vampiriks experience the most amount of physical growth in their first year of life, growing from minuscule polyps of about 5 millimetres in size to their full length in no more than 11 months.

Ecology and Habitats

While each sub-species has a different optimal environment, the entire species has shared needs that must be met. For one, the species requires a host to reproduce and properly grow as it feeds of of the blood of other species using their hosts as a way to feed upon others. They also all despise sunlight, with the Castle children and Desert dwellers quickly growing feverish and even dying when exposed to direct sunlight for over a few minutes and the corpses turning to ash after death. The only exception to this are the Void descendants which can endure sunlight for a few days before suffering fever and death as their planet bound relatives.   These threats to Vampirik health are avoided due to how Vampiriks reside within their hosts, where they depend on the health of the host to survive, meaning the optimal habitat of a Vampirik is the optimal habitat of their Host.   Vampiriks interact with their environment by infecting hosts and rounding up a group of uninfected creatures to use as cattle. They will also build shelter from any available materials, such as wood or stone, which oft consist of domed, single roomed structures without windows and small doors which are to be crawled through or large cylindrical buildings with holes in the walls which are to serve as sleeping chambers and will be accessed via climbing the rough and jagged walls.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vampiriks require to feed upon the blood of other creatures, gaining sustenance from the nutrients and cells found in the blood-plasma and any nutrients within the blood itself. It will gain this blood from its host, at first, who will soon drain the blood of other creatures to feed itself and the Vampirik instead.

Biological Cycle

Vampiriks go through important changes throughout the years which are affected by the possession of a host. If a Vampirik has a host, they will slowly merge their nervous system with their host, becoming more and more indistinguishable with it until they eventually share everything in their biological systems, from blood to nutrition, to even their thoughts.   If a Vampirik lacks a host, it will instead slowly wither away as it begins to eat its own body for sustenance. It can live up to 2 years this way, but will eventually die due to wounds and starvation.   The host also endures many changes over time. As it grows more and more attached to the Vampirik, it will develop various traits in common with the Vampirik. First, its skin will grow pale and sensitive to light, sometimes so sensitive that it can be considered xeroderma pigmentosum. Second, the host will grow extended, hollow canines that will be attached to the blood stream of the host through which blood of others can be drained. Third, the muscle and bone structure of the host will strengthen and tighten which slows the host down but will increase in the host's physical strength. Lastly, the host will lose the ability to gain sustenance from foodstuffs that it used to feed on, growing reliant on the blood of others which is shares with its Vampirik and its brain will completely merge with that of its Vampirik, meaning that its thoughts and the thoughts of the Vampirik become indistinguishable.   However, while this is the general development, i.e what all Vampiriks go through when they obtain a host, there is a massive difference between the development of male Vampiriks in male hosts and female Vampiriks in female hosts. While both genders of Vampirik can get either as a host, the similarity in gender between the host and Vampirik make the transformation much more... complete in a way.   Male Vampiriks, when they merge with male hosts, can grow so integrated that not only can the body no longer withstand direct sunlight without turning to ash almost instantly but, if the Vampirik is particularly... primitive, the host's spirit can be lost completely and the host will undergo the horrors of their being slowly diminishing into nothing as they lose their higher thought and are forced by their Vampirik to begin to see their loved ones as breeding cattle and hosts for their children, oft being trapped away from the females of their tribe or pack to avoid harm coming to them for this reason.   Female hosts and female Vampiriks on other hand go through a less drastic but just as complete transformation as their minds grow into a single consciousness that enhances any latent scionic powers within the host, allowing for what is, essentially a sorceress to be brought into the world via the unholy integration of host and Vampirik. This does not always happen, but both the mental and physical abilities of the host do increase in most cases far beyond a crossing between male host and female Vampirik or the other way around.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Vampiriks naturally order themselves into a Gerontocracy where the oldest members of the community take up roles of leadership. The oldest Vampirik is called the Arch-Deacon, the second oldest will be called Deacons, the third oldest will be called Semi-Deacons and the remainders are called the Thralls. This is the only real, natural, way that Vampirik groups define their roles as there is no intrinsic difference between males and females and they dont have a structure like Ants where they have specific roles.   Besides this system, a group of Vampiriks will also divide themselves into sects if there is more than 1 species of Hosts, where the different species of Host will each perform different tasks. Fore example, those who are hosted by camels will be in charge of providing water to the cattle, those hosted by monkeys will collect food for the cattle, those hosted by lions will cull the herd, and those hosted by kobolds will dig shelter for the Vampiriks.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Because of the sapience of Vampiriks and their parasitic nature, and how they only came about recently, not many have even attempted to use the species for any purpose besides as villains in folktales. However, the Raven's Cult, in 493 A.C, have begun using the Desert dweller sub-species in a ritual they call: The Raven's crucifixion.   This ritual is a year long process where a high ranking member of the cult is contaminated with a Vampirik and is isolated for a year. During this process they are fed a mixture of blood and a paste made up of vegetables and meats which ease the process of turning completely. The intent of this ritual is to bring the chosen host closer to the Raven as well as increasing their physical prowess.

Facial characteristics

Vampiriks have 3 eyes, 1 on the upper front or ''forehead'' of the face, 1 on the left ''cheek'' and 1 on the right ''cheek'', and a mouth in between these eyes that holds 2 fangs on each end for clamping onto the host.

Average Intelligence

Most Vampiriks are quite unintelligent, most often lacking advanced reasoning and thought, and often not even being able to speak. This is mainly the case with Castle children, but since they are the most numerous they drag the entire species average down.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vampiriks have, from themselves, 3 eyes, or 1 in the case of the void descendants, on their heads to perceive light which also gives them the ability to see in the dark, can sense vibrations in the ground around them in a form of tremor-sense, and can sense what kind of situation their host is in by the chemical make-up of its blood; a large amount of adrenaline is indicative of danger for example.   However, all these senses get lost when the Vampirik merges with its host but it gains all the senses of the host. Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and feeling and any other sense the host might posses.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Because Vampiriks are parasites themselves, they require a host to live. This host can be of almost any animal species, with only a small number of species being immune. All sub-species go through two hosts in their lifetime, one where they are born within or are born from and one that they choose to live within for the rest of their lifetime.   The only known species of animal that are considered immune to Vampiriks are Tarrasqueborn, whose immune system can easily eradicate most Vampirik incursions, Giants, whose digestive tract excretes any foreign bodies easily, Dragons, whose magical powers burn any parasites up, and elemental, who don't even have organs to feed of of.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Vampiriks have two names which they get through their lifetime. One they assume at birth which is usually a single vowel or consonant, and one they assume after adopting a host, which is a mix between their old name and that of their host. For example; Ah is born from the side of a camel and adopts Phil as his host. After the adoption, both Ah and Phil are now called Phiah or Ahll.

Gender Ideals

In the Vampirik culture, their is a clear distinction between the roles of a male and a female. Males should attempt to find hosts that could overpower many other animals, so either big and strong to literally overpower them or swift and nimble to take other down in a more ''death by a thousand cuts'' kind of way. Females, on the other hand, are expected to choose hosts that could serve the group in a way of handling resources, so animals that can life on less food and water or can help in tasks which need to be done.

Courtship Ideals

To Vampiriks, it does not matter who you reproduce with. What matters is that you reproduce at all. As such, courtship is more oft than not simply approaching the other and requesting intercourse. Some Arch-Deacons wish to keep their offspring ''Special'' so will only sleep with other Arch-Deacons or those they consider ''impressive'' meaning they oft test their mates in various trials of intelligence, the increase of strength provided for the host, and dexterity with whatever appendage the host has.

Average Technological Level

Castle children oft lack the intelligence required for any technological advancements, meaning their society has stone-age technology at best.   Desert dwellers are much more intelligent and have achieved bronze age technology from taking the technology of other species on Bator and a bit of innovation on their own.   Void descendants, on the other hand, have achieved technology best described as ''Singularity level''. They have adopted the technology of various worlds in the universe, have invented incredible devices, and some have studied the physical arts for centuries, allowing them the ability to use and invent countless advanced technologies, including AI programs and robotics.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Castle children do not have an advanced language. They can communicate via various sounds such as clicks, hisses, and screeches but these oft communicate not more than simple concepts like ''food'', ''enemy'', and ''safe''.   Desert dwellers have chosen to adopt the languages of Bator, speaking with one another in languages such as Tarrasqueborn, Common, Schubben-Taal, Kamenný jazyk, or Draconic, but they do not have their own language.   Void descendants have their own language groups. These lingual-groups are legion, with countless dialects and accents that all vary depending on kinds of hosts, location, and culture. The main language of the Void descendants and which they can all understand is Vampirik, a language made up of long vowels and consonants, sighs, high pitched screeches, and various facial expressions that most hosts in the Phlogiston can emulate. Most Void descendants are fluent in many dozen languages as well, however, which they often use to threaten, extort, or trade with other species.


The history of the Vampiriks begins long before any ever set foot in the Abandoned realms, on the planet of Kolverin, in a year long forgotten, when the Shadow Giant necromancer Gro Tannhager took the planet's native tapeworm species, Parva Opacus, and changed its physical form into a new monstrous strain. This new species, called the Opacus Immanis, was not our modern idea of Vampiriks, however, and was very unintelligent. The species only became the Vampir Crv after the planet was consumed by the Castle of the Raven's Loft, where it mutated and evolved under its influence.   Here, it spread throughout the Castle and the demi-planes within it, becoming one of its apex species and evolving into the Vampir Crv. Over the hundreds of millennia is specialized and small populations of it spread into the Phlogiston, where the Void descendants reside to this day.   Eventually, it arrived on Bator as the Castle collided with it. Here, individuals exited their eldritch, stone realm and spreaded across the population, a new sub-species evolving, called the Desert dwellers, on the barren world which greeted them, and a new culture for the species evolving with them.   In the next 500 years the species slowly spread, fighting against the native population and feeding on their children and elderly, growing into a monstrous tall tale for most and a divine blessing for others. Now, most regions have some presence of Vampiriks, especially those under control of the Raven's Cult, and any that don't have regular purges to keep it so.
Scientific Name
Vampir Crv
Castle children, Desert dwellers, Void descendants
120 years
Conservation Status
Vampiriks, as a species, are thriving. With a population beyond counting in many, many, different ecosystems there are no active efforts made to preserve it, with many actively wishing to exterminate it instead.
Average Height
5 millimetres
Average Weight
1 kilogram
Average Length
30 centimetres
Average Physique
On average, Vampiriks have thin, flat, and long bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Vampiriks are a pale gray, almost white, color, with segmented bodies. These segments resemble thin rectangular rings around the body and are called proglottids.

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