Sat, Apr 2nd 2022 12:05   Edited on Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:22

Example of play

Sample scene for Mechwarrior: Destiny
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:44

This is the main message
Rolled 3d6 for difficulty | 3d6
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:45   Edited on Sun, May 1st 2022 12:25

New Scene: Heist

Having completed your planning for the break in last Scene, the party takes seperate twisting paths to warehouse K-54 at the truck park. None of you see any signs you’re being followed and you meet at the locked side door of the warehouse.

The truck park operates 21 hours a day, 7 days a week so the roads and main entrances are brightly lit, but between the buildings are pools of almost complete darkness that interlink around the edges of the facility. A fleet of smaller trucks are sitting in dedicated parking bays taking advantage of cheaper off peak electricity to slow charge but the big trucks are busier at night and only have time for flash charging while they unload and load. The smell of burnt rubber dominates, with side notes of hydrogen from the fuel cells and a thousand agricultural and industrial smells twisting together into their own barely describable blend. A sound meter would tell you the grinding of out of tune motors and clashes and bangs of loading equipment is the same as your scouting trips during the day, but standing in the darkness it seems louder and more threatening, overwhelming ears straining to hear danger.

K-54, the warehouse you’re here to rob, is constructed from featureless slabs of pre-cast concrete, almost 80m in length and over 32m across, rising in a single storey to a height of 5m with a nearly flat roof spotted with air conditioning equipment, heavy transformers and other less identifiable humming equipment. The main doors take up 90% of the narrow side facing the interior road and opening them would make a lot of noise and trigger the interior lights. Here on the long side is the only other entrance, a mechanically locked standard sized door, with enough gap around it to confirm the inside is dark.

Your gathered information says the warehouse is not in use tonight so there should only be a single lightly armed guard, and the boxes of off planet IR sensor heads arrived earlier today.



Concealed flak armour (-1 from ballistic (B) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor



Concealed flak armour (-1 from ballistic (B) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor



Infiltration suit (-1 from ballistic (B) and energy (E) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor

GM Plot Points

Now that we’re starting the heist I want a different order. Jacinta first to circumvent security or scout ahead, then me to exploit the situation then Snakebyte as the outside man to deal with problems that come up. Spending a Plot Point.

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:46
Fine with me

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:48   Edited on Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:57
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:58   Edited on Sat, Apr 30th 2022 05:15

After glancing around to make sure the others are watching the outside I kneel down next to the door, giving it a final once over. “There’s a magnetic switch here, that means an alarm that wasn’t on the plans. You better not be holding out on me about this job” I say coldly before grabbing some pliers and wires to bypass the alarm as I open the lock with my picks.
Escape Artist to open the door. It’s important enough I’ll spend EDG if the roll is 11 or lower | 2d6+6,2d6+6
17, 15
No edge spent. An alarm makes the door harder, but still not out of the Average difficulty for a security door.

Difficulty | 3d6

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 02:08
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 02:09   Edited on Sun, May 1st 2022 12:27

The door opens silently under Jacinta's skilled fingers, the alarm blissfully unaware that anything has happened.



Infiltration suit (-1 from ballistic (B) and energy (E) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor

GM Plot Points

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 03:34   Edited on Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:29

"As if! You know everything I do" I say, briefly resting my hand on the Eel's shoulder reassuringly. "If you weren't so professional this would have gone grody right away."
Carefully poking my head in the doorway, I see the pool of light from the guard's flashlight nearby. Instantly deciding stealth would be impossible I snap on my headlight and rush him, aiming a full haymaker at his exposed face.
Melee Combat, unarmed 3F | 2d6+3
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 03:52   Edited on Sat, Apr 30th 2022 03:55

The security guard, a big dude (if not as large as Lorelei) with muscle starting to go to fat in his cushy job yells and jumps backwards in alarm. His T-shirt can't be armoured, and attached to his belt is a stunstick, a radio and a pair of hand cuffs. The only thing in his hands is his flashlight, heavy and robust enough to use as a club.
RFL roll to defend | 2d6+4
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 04:51   Edited on Sat, Apr 30th 2022 05:17

Lorelei's fist connects with a meaty thump, leaving the guard upright but now with physical shock in addition to his surprise



Concealed flak armour (-1 from ballistic (B) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:01   Edited on Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:30

I’ll spend a Plot Point to say Snakebyte isn’t at the warehouse with the others yet because he has to steal the getaway van at the last minute to maximise the time before police are searching for it. He’s sitting in a cafe watching cameras he’s planted at the entrances to three commercial parking stations and when a souped up ute pulls into one he pays his bill and takes his motorcycle over, finds the truck inside and parks nearby. Pulling on a cheap jacket and cap (for the camera at the exit) he pops the door open and hot wires it
Technician to hotwire the ute | 2d6+5
[justify]That doesn’t take a Plot Point, you’re acting at roughly the same time (maybe starting a little earlier but your narration covers longer) somewhere else, and not short circuiting anything in the scene.[/justify]

Opening the car and starting it is Easy | 2d6

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:02
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:05   Edited on Sun, May 1st 2022 12:28

Snakebyte steals the truck and starts driving towards the truck park. Behind him a sedan pulls out and starts to follow
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:33


The follower tries to stay with Snakebyte without being seen
Tracking to shadow | 2d6+5
Difficulty Average+1, Snakebyte is always cautious but the follower has some gadgetry that keeps this average but with a -1 to their roll | 3d6+1

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:33
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:36   Edited on Sun, May 1st 2022 12:29

Whoever they are, the driver of the sedan follows Snakebyte without being spotted.



Concealed flak armour (-1 from ballistic (B) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor

GM Plot Points

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:54   Edited on Sun, May 1st 2022 12:33


Shocked and confused the guard swipes with his heavy flashlight at the immediate threat rather than going for the more dangerous radio on his belt. Taking the light off target during the swing gives a darkness penalty.
Melee Combat against Lorelei, club 2 | 2d6+5
Defence, with -1 to attacker’s skill due to darkness | 2d6+3

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:55
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 12:58

Lorelei easily avoids the clumsy blow
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:20   Edited on Sun, May 1st 2022 12:37

Round 2

Lorelei and Jacinta have broken into the warehouse but have not yet made it past the guard, who has not yet raised an alarm. Lorelei and the Guard are at Close Range, Jacinta is Near to them both.

Meanwhile Snakebyte has stolen a high-powered ute and will reach the warehouse with his movement this round, but is unaware he is being followed.

Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:21

Jumping back to the end of the last round I want to spend a Plot point for a counterattack.
Melee Combat, unarmed 3F | 2d6+3
Sat, Apr 30th 2022 01:22

No problem
Defence at -3 for damage | 2d6+1
Sun, May 1st 2022 12:32   Edited on Sun, May 1st 2022 12:48

The guard's swing not only missed it pulled him off balance, allowing Lorelei the perfect opportunity for a quick punch to the kidneys.



Concealed flak armour (-1 from ballistic (B) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor

GM Plot Points

Sun, May 1st 2022 12:57

Moving like greased lightning I reach the guard, and taking advantage of the light Lorelei is shining on him reach out and touch him with my stunstick.

If I hit (and stagger him) I say to Lorelei "Are you fighting or just playing?"
If I miss I say "Damn it, stop wriggling!"

Melee Combat, stunstick 4F | 2d6+6
Defence, -3 to damage, -1 since Jacinta is in an Infiltration suit and he didn't see her until it was too late, won't apply in future rounds. | 2d6

Sun, May 1st 2022 01:00
Sun, May 1st 2022 01:05

The shock from the stick is just too much on top of everything else, and the guard staggers back against the wall, conscious but not really tracking



Infiltration suit (-1 from ballistic (B) and energy (E) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor

Sun, May 1st 2022 01:35

Since the guard can't act anymore he's not the priority, I move further into the warehouse and look and listen for anyone else who might be here, or anything that could indicate a silent alarm (chatter from the guards radio maybe?)

If I succeed then I don't spot anyone else, and I confirm the boxes we're here for are exactly where we expected. "Smooth."
If I fail, "Why does it never go smooth?"

Perception (untrained). That's lousy, If I get 8 or less I spend Edge to reroll | 2d6+1,2d6+1
5, 7
Since you're technically still in combat movement is more constrained, you reach range Near from the other two. Checking out the rest of the warehouse will be at a penalty since your light isn't strong enough from over here. Unless you want to spend your last plot point to move to Far and the middle of the warehouse? I'll give you 2 hours to respond, then assume no.

Sun, May 1st 2022 01:41
With that roll? Not worth it, I get lucky or I don't

Sun, May 1st 2022 01:42
Average difficulty -1 penalty for inadequate light | 3d6+1

Sun, May 1st 2022 01:43
Sun, May 1st 2022 01:49   Edited on Sun, May 1st 2022 01:49

While you are sure no-one else is present all you see in the numbered location on the floor is a single empty, open, shipping crate. Not smooth

Can you do something about the guy following you without knowing he's there?

Mon, May 2nd 2022 01:29
Mon, May 2nd 2022 01:30

Lorelei gets on the radio, "Snake we're like delayed here, chill and take your time"
Mon, May 2nd 2022 01:32

"I don't see anything L, but my balls are itching, I'm taking the scenic route", the "L" is slightly stressed to remind the others not to use an identifiable name over a radio.
Eyes flicking to every side street and set of headlights Snakebyte settles into a well practiced series of sudden turns, double backs and the occasional wrong way down a one way street, trying to force anyone following him to reveal themselves or abandon the chase by the time he reaches the truck park.
Piloting skill to lose (or spot) any tail | 2d6+6
The guy following is you is a professional and has already made his roll to follow, so this is Hard | 4d6

Mon, May 2nd 2022 01:40
Mon, May 2nd 2022 01:48   Edited on Mon, May 2nd 2022 01:50

No plain clothes cop would have kept up with that so Snakebyte is sure his tail is clear as he drives through the brightly lit main entrance to the truck park, unfortunately he hasn't internalised he's playing in the big leagues now.



Concealed flak armour (-1 from ballistic (B) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor

Mon, May 2nd 2022 01:57


Deciding this must be Snakebytes destination the follower pulls off the road outside the lights before entering the park on foot, calling the rest of his team to join him and then trying to setup a directional microphone to listen in on what his target is saying.
Perception | 2d6+6
Average task, but with a -2 since he's trying in a built up area with bad lines of sight while hiding from everyone else | 3d6+2

Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:06
Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:07

The follower will hear anything Snakebyte says, or anything anyone says to him in person
Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:17


The guard was a semi-professional boxer in his younger days and used to recovering quickly, I'll spend a Plot Point to heal one point of fatigue damage so he can take an action

Making a quick thrust at Jacinta with his stun stick he bolts to the open side door and drops his flashlight to grab his radio and blurt out an alarm "break in at K-54, request immediate assistance". He is now at Near range to both Lorelei and Jacinta.

Melee combat with -4 due to damage (still has the flashlight for light at that point) | 2d6+1
Defence | 2d6+8

Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:19
Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:21

Slippery as an eel Jacinta seems to move before the guard even commits to his attack.



Infiltration suit (-1 from ballistic (B) and energy (E) weapons)

Plot Points


Edge Points


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor

GM Plot Points

Mon, May 2nd 2022 02:22

Round 3

and the adventure continues