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Wilhelmina Pleasant

For the first few years of her adult life, Wilhelmina was a farmer's wife, trapped in the unhappy exsistence of daily back breaking labor and abuse, receiving no true affection or respect in return for her efforts from her husband, Unger Pleasant. One day she discovered a rare flower was growing in their fields. She made a cup of tea out of it to see how it would taste, and her husband drank it all up as a punishment for her individuality in thought. Unfortunately, he was allergic, and it also didn't taste very good. Now she cultivates these flowers as a big fat fuck you at her late husband, and adventurers from all over will come to her to buy it. She makes enough money from these profits to now wear fine clothing, a sharp contrast to her well worn hands.
Current Residence
A small town with a few very odd characters.

This article has no secrets.


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