An act of God?

The avalanche that blocked the Tremenydh Pass was widely acknowledged to have been a significant blow for the Tamarian economy, for which the citizens of Aberston wholeheartedly blame the Civil Chamber for not being better prepared and leaving the economy so vulnerable.

Having been unable to assuage the civil unrest brought about in those early days after the avalanche, The Lord Steward and The Lord Treasurer conspired to shift the blame onto a terrorist plot orchestrated by the The Order of the Cup, supported by an undisclosed faction of the Mountain Dwarves looking to gain advancement in the upcoming Dwarven Election, and masterminded the Noble Goblins. Suppposedly, the Lords have "seen evidence" that the Goblins have been seeking to drive up prices on exotic imports, and engaged the order to devise a means of achieving this. The order, having spies everywhere, were aware of the inter-politics at play among the dwarven factions, and convinced one of the families with particular skills in tunneling that an avalanche of sufficient scale to completely block the pass would provide them with the opportunity to name their price for the work to clear the blockage.

Of course, as plausible as this conspiracy may seem, and it would absolutely be something that these parties would have cooked up, it is in fact entirely fabricated: there absolutely had been conversations going on with the order, but this is a daily occurence; whether or not those conversations would have ultimately lead to such a plot is only for the gods to know. One thing is for sure: exotic imports did become more expensive, the order are the only people able to procure them, and there is only one dwarven family capable of clearing the valley, meaning that although few people truly believe it (simply on account of the source) they don't not believe it, and thus the rumour persists.


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