Djinn Bottle

The Djinn Bottle is a magical artifact of untold antiquity. All that is known about it, is that it contains the essence of a Djinn of The Bodmany Wilds, and therefore, the owner can claim up to three wishes by simply stating the wish clearly, and unstoppering the cork to release a small amount of the black smoke that swirls within the bottle. 

  Over the years, the Djinn discovered that he could create a lasting illusion of black smoke within the bottle - his "essence" as the mortals believed - by using the captured souls of his previous owners. This meant that when a part of his essence was released to grant the wish, he was also able to release a second part of his essence to do his own bidding should the need arise, without diminishing the cloud in the bottle. 

  Due to the Djinn's curse on the bottle, it becomes increasingly more difficult to sell the bottle, owing to the requirement to sell it for less than the owner originally paid for it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The black smoke swirls with malicious indifference. The owner simply makes a wish, and releases a small amount of the smoke within.


Said to contain a Djinn captured in The Bodmany Wilds by Uhnoro himself, this item is thought to be older than the Bellever Mountains. The Djinn, being of spirit was able to exist in direct sunlight. Convinced this was proof of the Djinn colluding with Ki'Inoro, Uhnoro imprisoned the Djinn in the bottle and gifted it to the first people. The Djinn, in turn, cursed the bottle itself that it could only be sold at a loss to the owner, and that he would claim their soul upon their death if they still owned the bottle.

Item type
The only one of its kind, this bottle is a unique find for any discerning dealer of arcane antiques.
Base Price
Must be sold at a loss - a real bargain!
Raw materials & Components
An otherwise ordinary glass bottle with a wicker binding around the shoulder of the bottle, a cork stopper held in place by a metal clasp, and one essence of a Djinn contained inside.


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