
Rivermead is a weak alcoholic beverage popular among the poorer tamarians. Still made from distilled reeds, it is heavily diluted with river water and the reeds tend to be the younger newer shoots that have a sharper taste.

  It is brewed illegally by several underground groups to fund other illicit activity. It can be found in several of Aberston's less reputable alehouses by asking for it by one of its other names (Runoff, Rush or Glanwyns' Finest). The high demand for this drink means the producers do not allow the reeds to mature for long enough harvesting, resulting in a bitter taste. As the production process often takes place in illegal distilleries, the producers use the water of the Loubasyger River, which is somewhat sweetened by the pollutants of industrial processes in Stannerton to balance out the bitterness of the new reed shoots to make the drink palatable. 


Initially an attempt to recreate the much more refined authentic Reed Mead, often stolen by one of the street beans from Lady Evilyn's cellar, the The Order of Cups first started illegally distilling reeds from the River Glanwyn, however production was soon halted once the River Folk got wind of the illegal activity and refused to ferry any products or people associated with the order.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Common, but illegal
Raw materials & Components
Water from the Loubasyger River and reeds taken from along it banks.


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