
Found in the badlands of the The Bodmany Wilds, Stickweed is as you might expect: a dead looking collection of sticks. It does not grow roots, and is therefore free to blow around in the breeze, growing to about the size of a watermelon. The motion of it bouncing along the ground as the wind directs, knocks its seedpods loose. Little is known about how this plant grows from a seed, nor how it sustains itself once grown. 
What little is known has been gleaned from a torn, blood-stained journal entry that made it's way back to the Tewledandar Forest University by what could only be deemed as fate, after the Master of the Botany Scroll had been declared dead following his failure to return from his journey beyond the Bellever Mountains in search of new plants. 
What actually happened to him is while travelling on the eastern side of the mountains, he found himself attempting to navigate an area of striped rocky hills, where he was set upon by what he took to be bandits, but were in fact Uhnoro fanatics. He had seen the Stickweeds blowing about on his travels through the badlands, but had paid them little mind. Having been captured by the fanatics, he observed how they had bundles of stickweed sticks stored in abundance, and were chewing on them incessently. He observed how they became placid, europhic even, as if they had not a care in the world. He believes the stick to have had psychedelic properties, after witnessing several of the fanatics talking to what he discovered were hallucinations. Perhaps more intriguing was that the hallucinations always appeared to involve the moon god that they so revered.


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Aug 2, 2023 06:07 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting story thread you've got woven into this!

Aug 6, 2023 21:15 by Evilyn Carnate

Thank you! I'm terrible for segueing into other topics, probably need to channel some of that energy into some timelines..! I must admit to getting really into the 'mind-cinema' while writing this one haha!

Aug 8, 2023 17:11 by Deleyna Marr

That's half the fun of being a writer!!!
