Drow (dr-ow)

The ancient Elves went on an expedition to explore this newly unearthed realm they called the Underdark. They were gone for centuries. Eventually, they emerged much to the delight of their kin. They had all feared the worst of the exploration party and to have them home was a source of much joy. But the Elves were changed. While they were once happy and full of a sense of adventure, they returned dull and almost lifeless. Like something had sucked the joy out of them. They spoke not about what they saw, but they handed the High Elder their field journal.

It starts out innocent enough; entries regarding the flora and fauna they encountered, how the space around them looked, various sketches. But as I read on I find that the longer they stay down there the tone of the journal changes. The author gets gradually more despondent. One of the party members passes away. He writes briefly about other creatures he meets there; creatures so foul I will not utter a word about them here. The end of the journal is filled with pages and pages of vitriol. How the Elves are evil, how there is no good to be found in the "Land of the Sun". He even disparages the Halflings! This is an Elf who has lost all hope.

They tried their hardest to get back to some semblance of normal life. They spent time with their families and took on hobbies. But eventually, only ten years after their return, the entire remaining party disappeared into the night and were never heard from again. Some speculate that they returned to the Underdark to the end of their days. All we now know is more dark Elves have appeared since then and we have dubbed them Drow.


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