Moon base Building / Landmark in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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Moon base

The moon base serves as research location of Dr. Rhinehardt. First encountered after the players awoke from organic pods. Since then it has been visited a few times.  
Medical Room   Current configuration has 4 medical observation beds (see squares) with nearby life support equipment. At the time of the group's awakening they were attired in a grey synthetic skin covering with their belongings within a nearby box. It shares a wall with neighboring room with customizable glass (one-way, two-way or opaque) with an intercom system. The adjoining room has been used as an interrogation chamber for eldest son and later for a lightbringer. The door to the interrogation room appears sheer blending in with the wall. There is a red door which leads to a hallway and docking bay. Dr Rhinehardt also revealed another sheer door where he returned with a book on the lightbringers.  
Docking Bay   The docking bay is simplistic by design with two ships. One being mechanical that is available should Rhinehardt require, and a space for the organic ship the group has been using. When not in use, there is a patch of soil for the organic ship to revert to it's tree form when the force field is up. When preparing for departure the organic ship rises and turns into spaceship form, once prepared external forcefield drops. There is a doorway leading back to hallway and medical room.


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