Lightbringer Organization in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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  The Lightbringers are a group of individuals who have been associated with the powers of light and prophecy. Their perspective is there is only light and darkness, and apply this view to morality as well. They see things in absolutes of either good or evil. They exist just outside the realm of Earth, but with the increasing breaks in the dimensional fabric it appears one of their group has made an appearance on Erem Scathac associate (sister). Their skin and clothing all radiate light and would require to be covered to block it out. This individual was questioned on the Moon base and later turned over to the "The Parents" to remove the power dampening collar.   The ancestors sought out a Lightbringer which brought about the initial prophecy resulting in them attempting to capture the orb in the hopes of stopping demons from gaining control and bringing about evil. Of the group of ancestors, Vincent expressed suspicion of their motives.   Erem Scathac also learned of the Lightbringers after becoming free of Club Paradise as a means to help guide his sister, though warned they deal in absolutes and their definition of helping might not be what he wants. Even with this warning Erem still asked they be sought out.   During the group's time on Sanctuary Islands they learned the Lightbringers are reveared by Mediators for Peace even to one of them being considered an oracle and having glowing eyes to demonstrate his devotion. However some of them did not seem pleased when the Lightbringer responded to their incantations seemingly upset requiring direct intervention. This discussion was witnessed by Erem and Shadow Reapers. One of the followers by the name of Rawulf followed the two of them and requested help as he had suspicions something was off with the Lightbringer which Erem supported. In discussing it with the others speculation which was supported by Sofia Fairchild that he might be directly under the control of the parents now for his speech seemed to directly mirror theirs.   In another incident Eric had a clairvoyant vision of Lightbringer trying to make a deal with Summoner to convince Lord Axel to sue for peace only to turn on him. The price of this betrayl was eternal youth and having all the changelings plus Axel's allies as potential followers. The group was not able to follow-up if this potential future came to pass or was impacted by their choices.
Lightbringer symbol often found of amulets.


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