Failing Suns' Light Church Building / Landmark in Beyond Greater Anghor - A Middle Earth Adventure | World Anvil

Failing Suns' Light Church

by JJ Sinisi - Dungeondraft

Temple of the Ivory Congregation

  The Church, one of the oldest structures in Anghor Thom, has recently been repurposed by the Ivory Congregation, and christened - Failing Sun's Light, an ode to not just the revived focus on light and goodness, but also a nod to the dying of old ways before a rebirth.  

Isador Barlow

The high Priestess now leads this group, and she has committed to the reformation of the religion, its adherents, and the destruction of Talwart and those that have perverted their teachings. She has also eluded to a much older tradition that she seeks to reclaim as the rightful followers of the Circle of Dragons.  

Fallen Embers

Attacked on the night of the Feast of Lemuralia, the Church was set on fire, and a desperate battle was fought in its halls against Easterlings and other Agents of the Shadow. The Congregation, along with the help of the Traveling Minstrels, overcame the evil doers and saved the building.


The style and architecture of the church matches very few of the other buildings in town, save for Stojanow Gate. This may allude to its place in the far past of the Northern Wilderlands.

Points of Interest

Beautiful and tall rafters are set high above the main place of worship. The back room contains small quarters able to fit some of the main priests and priestess that stay on the grounds. An old organ was damaged in the fire, but the followers have vowed to restore it  


On the Southern edge of town
Parent Location