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Deception & Resistance

General Summary

June 15 - Cherubix, Faraday, Dezy, & Tara   During Dezy & Ko’s watch, a group of lizardfolk tried to ambush the party. Unfortunately for them, they were too loud and the tide was turned after Dezy and Ko woke the party. The fight was quick and after one of the lizardfolk, who was marked with lightning, died his body was struck by red lightning. No doubt summer fey.   After searching the bodies and a quick nap, the group set out again. They came upon a road that looked to be recently used by small troops of lizardfolk. The party continued along it, plotting an attack on the way. The opportunity arose and the ensuing fight was easily finished, despite Faraday struggling to resist the urge to kill the summer fey touched lizardfolk. The party wanted at least one left alive to question.   A Rivenscale shaman and a brave were kept alive to gather information and spread false information respectively. Using Dezy’s mind dredge they found out:   Summer fey god is named Tar-Vash
Description of shaman powers/pyro- electromancer
Pseudo-Valhalla promised to the fighters after their death
Their war is a crusade for their god
They fear the old ways, old burial practices, as taking Valhalla away from them
The war strategy is the same as previous years, but with more shaman
Tar-Vash manifests as a burning tree
  Faraday took great delight in killing the shaman as Dezy performed last rites on the fallen. Cherubix kept watch and Tara ‘tied up’ the brave and fed him false information that Xiuh-Tec is coming and by his grace alone the brave was left alive.   The party moved on and followed the brave after he escaped. He led them to a small village and Ko watched as he and an older couple of lizardfolk fled the village.   The group waited a bit and then scoured the village. Dezy realized the old lady lizardfolk had grabbed something hidden, but mundane under her hut. After burning and vandalizing the area, they continued to follow the trio.   Around dusk the party caught up to the lizardfolk and Tara, shapeshifted with Faraday and her zombie, approached them. Dezy and Cherubix kept watch from a distance.   Tara, speaking privately to the old couple as Faraday forced the brave away, discussed the return of Xiuh-Tec and how the two were to help with a resistance force. Cherubix had previously stolen the hidden item from the lady lizardfolk, a stone claw knife, the Talon of Mehz-Qua.   Tara tells them that Xiuh-Tec is returning and that the Flamebearers are marching against the Ripfangs. She wants the old couple to gather up the old god worshippers in the city.
Report Date
17 Jul 2018

Cover image: by Alexander Pohl


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