Party & History
General Summary
May 21-28, year 1; Jane, Amaterasu, Ladybird, and Sepa
They heard from Dezy about a crazy fey party in the forest and decided to investigate.
On the way, they visit Velena and she gives them a basket to take to Chie-sama, at the party. They stay the night.
The next morning, they head out to the river & talking bridge. The statue of Rajah that Mervin carved has been refined, and set in the center of the span, facing the north.
They arrive at the Endless Party in the early evening, and meet the raccoon/tanuki spirit Kuishinbo Chie, or Chie-sama. They party and partake in the local flavor, and spend the night.
In the morning, the group is led by Chie to the brewery. They meet the beetle mechanic twins, Ockshhh & Kaneshhh, who maintain the still/brewery and make the alcohol for the party.
The river that normally feeds the brewery has been polluted, and the party goes to see if they can help clear the pollution out. Ladybird senses death magic in the river; there is nothing living in the water, and the grass on either bank is yellowed.
Jane & Ladybird speak with Chie about the elves, and Evras the Devourer. Chie is limited to what he can say, however, due to a geas spell he agreed to. They are able to learn that:
- the Wood-Thane and Evras were around in the same time
- “Prometheans” built the continent and the black pyramid in Duinam’run
- the elves built around the pyramid when they arrived
- “Ampano’thea” are the guardian spirits within the pyramids and other structures
- watch out for keystones within archways, as those are the heartstones of the ampano’thea
- they obey orders of their owners, and can be transplanted to a new house, with new orders
- the assumption is made that an Ampano was the one healing the pyramid
Rewards Granted
Moonbeam Port
A handful of Ghostpetal Daisies
A handful of Ghostpetal Daisies
Report Date
20 Feb 2018
Primary Location
Endless Party
Secondary Location
Porcelain Tree