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Party & History

General Summary

May 21-28, year 1; Jane, Amaterasu, Ladybird, and Sepa   They heard from Dezy about a crazy fey party in the forest and decided to investigate.   On the way, they visit Velena and she gives them a basket to take to Chie-sama, at the party. They stay the night.   The next morning, they head out to the river & talking bridge. The statue of Rajah that Mervin carved has been refined, and set in the center of the span, facing the north.   They arrive at the Endless Party in the early evening, and meet the raccoon/tanuki spirit Kuishinbo Chie, or Chie-sama. They party and partake in the local flavor, and spend the night.   In the morning, the group is led by Chie to the brewery. They meet the beetle mechanic twins, Ockshhh & Kaneshhh, who maintain the still/brewery and make the alcohol for the party.   The river that normally feeds the brewery has been polluted, and the party goes to see if they can help clear the pollution out. Ladybird senses death magic in the river; there is nothing living in the water, and the grass on either bank is yellowed.   Jane & Ladybird speak with Chie about the elves, and Evras the Devourer. Chie is limited to what he can say, however, due to a geas spell he agreed to. They are able to learn that:
  • the Wood-Thane and Evras were around in the same time
  • “Prometheans” built the continent and the black pyramid in Duinam’run
  • the elves built around the pyramid when they arrived
  • “Ampano’thea” are the guardian spirits within the pyramids and other structures
  • watch out for keystones within archways, as those are the heartstones of the ampano’thea
  • they obey orders of their owners, and can be transplanted to a new house, with new orders
  • the assumption is made that an Ampano was the one healing the pyramid
  Chie agrees to speak more about the history of the forest later.   The group heads out to get a couple of ingredients for the Moonbeam Port that Chie wants to brew - leyline-infused wine, and ghostpetal daisies. Once those are gathered, the full moon in three days can be used to make the Moonbeam Port. The group agrees to party once it’s been brewed, and then go out to deal with whatever is polluting the river.   They go to the leyline first, with Ipi the sprite as a guide. They defeat the spirit guardians by transmuting their leyline gems. They gather 20 barrels, return to Chie, and head out to collect some daisies from under the Porcelain Tree under the cover of night.   After a scouting mission by Ladybird & Ammy, Ladybird grabbed a daisy and lured a group of undead to the party, which was waiting at the edge of the clearing. After Jane attempted to negotiate and was rebuffed - they kept rasping “Ours to tend!” - the party attacked and destroyed the undead. They pick 12 daisies and save one for Velena.   The moonbeam port is made, and each team member gets a small canteen with 4 shots of it.   Before leaving, they talk to Chie again. He tells them that there is a group of undead about 20 miles to the west that are trying to dig into an elven barrow, as well as cutting down the trees of the nearby forest. Lilisia, a child-like wood spirit, keeps them occupied and prevents them from pushing further into the forest. Apparently, less than a year ago, Lilisia found the key to the barrow and Chie hid it in the leyline cellar, activating its defenses in order to keep the undead from stealing it. After that, the undead started chopping down the forest, in an attempt to find and grab the key. The group returns to town after stopping by Velena’s and dropping off a few daisy cuttings and a shot of the moonbeam port.

Rewards Granted

Moonbeam Port
A handful of Ghostpetal Daisies
Report Date
20 Feb 2018
Primary Location
Endless Party
Secondary Location
Porcelain Tree

Cover image: by Alexander Pohl


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