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Water & Visions

General Summary

April 21-26, year 1; Cherubix, Dezy, Faraday, and Mervin   Before leaving for Velena’s, the group spoke with Jiri and learned from an old mage’s journal that the man was looking for an even older mage’s buried tower near a town called “Elf’s Gift,” or Alvargava. It was noted on their list of things to look into and they headed out to Velena.   The group spoke with Velena again and asked some questions about the HeartMother. They learned that the Heartmother is betrothed to the Green Man. There was an event about 5 years ago called Devil’s Fall, during which the Green Man slept as a way to contain it, and left the HeartMother in charge of their collective duties. The taint spread from Devil's Fall, got into the water, and uses that as a way to expand. Velena has heard from the HeartMother about a tree of fey and an old stone house that has been infected with the evil. The group set off north, to explore and hopefully find the Heartmother's temple.   There was a short scuffle with a carnivorous plant. Continuing on, Ko spotted a strange tower. The tower is Elven and surrounded by a gold glimmering ward. Upon closer inspection with Dezy’s arrow and Cherubix’s eyes, it is clearly of strong magical design and beyond their current abilities. The seven concentric arcane wards are ancient and powerful. The mithral door at the front silently yelled and cursed at Cherubix, who then moon walked away.   Another short scuffle and friend making chat later, the group shared table with Rajah the Tiger. They learned not to hunt in his territory, and Mervin promised to return with treats and meaty bits.   The group arrived at the Heartmother’s lands. Her temple, a stone lotus rising out of the flooded lands, was surrounded by expansive, old willows trees. She was a female form made of wood with hair of cherry blossoms. She told them about the Devil’s Fall.   About 5 years ago, something evil was released onto the land and seeped into the ground. There, it formed a well and was pumping its evil downstream. The Green Man went to fight it and gave his hand to his acolytes as an aid. On the summer solstice they went to war, but only two of the followers survived and only one still lives now. Sen'do is the only remaining follower of the Green Man. The Green Man rests under the forest hills by a river.   After promising to not disturb him, the group was marked by her. The Heartmother gave them directions to Jiatha, the Lady of the Lotus. She told the group that a storm was coming, and the group promised to help.   The first task was given to them by Velu, the kami. It took some time, but they managed to kill a large frog that had been eating the sprites in the Temple Gardens.   The group traveled by canoe on the riverways and on the way to Jiatha’s lands, Mervin heard some strange bubbling from some koi. He dunked his head in the water and heard them say:  
“The iron tower makes war, and the stones quiver in rage.” “The fire crackles in the hearth, and sears the earth around it.” “The serpent reads the hangman’s tree, but knows not what it says.”
  The group came upon an Elvish bridge who asked them to remove a scrag that had taken up residence under him. In exchange, they asked the bridge about the mage tower in the field and Jiatha. The bridge told them the tower belonged to Oneya-Theluren Leridania. He also said that the group should avoid the flowers and don’t insult the leaves.   Jaitha tells them, through her water visions, that the Devil’s fall happened when a warlock fought the Basalt Dragon. During this fight, the Warlock conjured a poison frog demon lord, but lost control of it when the Dragon bit it. The Dragon became injured and flew away, but the blood from the demon lord seeped into the ground and that was evil taint to the earth. The visions also showed a seed of healthy green energy sprouting and the vines weaving themselves into a barrier against the Fell green. However, there was a black stone with a Fell colored hand moving south to the Heartmother’s temple.
Report Date
04 Oct 2018

Cover image: by Alexander Pohl


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