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Starting from April 1, year 0, the activities of the various adventurers working out of Bridgetown.

  • April 1-3, year 0
    Goodfruit Shrine, 10/7/17

    Dezy, Cherubix, Fariday, James

    Party explored the magic grove, cleared out the gremlins there, & had a magic stone chucked at them by the denizens of the grove.

  • April 3, year 0
    Goblin Hideout

    Dezy, Cherubix, Fariday, James, & Tara

    Party wiped out the goblins residing in the ruined town southeast of Bridgetown. Found a book/journal written in Skald, along with a strange and magically-empowered runic circle.

  • April 4-7, year 0
    Exploring the Riverwild, 10/27/17

    James, Tara, Mervin, & Unnamed Sorceress

    Party explored the southeastern portion of the Riverwild, encountering a forest drake, and finding evidence of a significant elven ruin as they returned to Bridgetown via paddling upriver.