BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!




A willingness to go beyond the dome. The outside world is not for the faint hearted. It is filled with extreme weather, challenging terrain and much there is unknown.

Career Progression

Training for explorers begins at the Explorers' Hub where people get familiar with the vehicles.the venture fleet are the most common and there is one Explorer.   Trainee explorers then spend time in the MicroDome, working with the Archaeologists. They take short trips to gradually get used to travel outside the Dome.   It takes time to acclimatise to living without the assistance of Automatic Gravity.   There is currently only one fully trained Explorer.

Other Benefits

The opportunity to see beyond the dome.    Explorers are generally seen as brave individuals by the rest of the dome community. Discovering about the world outside is something that mfot of the Community care about. However, few dare to even go to the Dome edge.



To discover what lies beyond the dome and share the information with the Dome Community.

Social Status

Considered in high opinion by most. However, there is a small but vocal group who opose the gates being open.


Dangers & Hazards

  • Acid rain
  • Storms
  • Ghosts
  • Technology malfunctions
Famous in the Field
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