Amelia Character in Beyond The Dome | World Anvil
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Amelia is an Explorer and former Archaeologist-In-Training with a keen interest in travel who has been dreaming about life beyond The Dome since childhood. On her first mission with the Explorers' Guild, she got lost in a storm and veered wildly off course.   Now, lost in unknown territory, she battles against challenging terrain, trecherous weather and deadly monsters in a fight to stay alive and return home.    

Personal History


Early Life

Amelia had dreamed about life beyond the Dome since childhood. She and her best friend Oskar used to sit by The Dome Edge for hours, imagining what it would be like outside.   As soon as she could, she joined the Archaeologists' Guild as an Archaeologist-In-Training at the MicroDome to experience life outside the Dome   From then, she went on to Explorer training with the Explorers' Guild and became the first fully trained Explorer.  


  Amelia has a great love for her dome and community. She is brave and curious about the world outside and believes that exploration is in the best interest of the community. She has been trained to be organised and cautious. However, sometimes her curiosity leads her into trouble. Growing up in the isolated Dome has meant that there is a lot about the world she does not know about.    

Repeated Actions

When she is stressed, she takes several deep breath of her rose scented Air+. This calms her and re-focuses her mind on the task at hand. When she doesn't have access to her mask, she is less able to control her emotional response.

Apparel and Equipment

  • Survival suit which is acid rainproof and also waterproof.
  • Rose scented Air+ supplied to a portable breathing mask.
  • 3D Holographic maps of the known territories
  • Smog-vision goggles to help her see through low cloud.
  • Remote Doctor to automatically detect and heal any injuries.


  • Close to all her neighbours in the Dome City, including the engineer Cara.
  • Best friend is Oskar whom she has known since childhood.
  • Has a minor rivalry with the other explorers-in-training who she surpassed.
  • She owns a pet mouse. Her best friend is looking after it whilst she is away.
Current Status
Exploring unknown territories
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Current Residence
Amelia's Apartment
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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