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Rostar Amila

Rostar Gori Amila

Rostar Amila is a famouns Camelot-born bard and performer known for their ability to change their appearance and voice at will. They utilize this ability in their iconic "one-man plays" where they frequently change themself to fit the role of a character when the character is speaking. Most of these performances are self-written, but they are known to perform the works of others, especially when highly requested.   They are also a talented musician, and writes their own music. Their prefered instrument is the lute.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Amila's shapeshifting ability is highly versatile, and they are able to change their skin color, hair color and texture, height, weight, facial structure, and body type with no effort at all. They cannot, however, grow protrusions or extra appendages such as horns or tails.   It is unknown where Amila got their shapechanging ability. Some speculate psychic wind or a pact with the forces of Hell. According to Amila, they suddenly gained their ability overnight.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Castle City at the bottom of the caste, Rostar had to struggle to survive, and would frequently steal from the more fortunate to do so. They were introduced to the lute by a friend they made after failing to steal from them, and took to it like a fish to water.   They eventually began writing their own songs to memory, as they did not learn how to write, and performing it at the local inn for coins. Word spread throughout the city and people would travel from all over just to watch them.   After gaining their shapechanging ability, they began to write their own plays.


Being born into poverty, Amila had no formal education.

Morality & Philosophy

Amila was a staunch Absolutionism Mathamist and heavily interested in the mythology of their people, even to the point of writing songs and plays based around them.
Date of Birth
February 13th
Year of Birth
Apparently genderfluid
Varies, usually short and blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Varies, usually pale white


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