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The Mugartha Archipelago

The Mugartha Archipelago is a stretch of large islands that connect the continents Mu and Upper Agartha. The Mugarian people call this place their home.


The islands are generally flat, but mountains can be found closer to Mu.   Due to shifting techtonic plates, Mu and Agartha are getting farther apart, and thus the bridge between them is being slowly broken apart.


Giant mushrooms the size of trees pepper the landscape. The ground is covered in a grass-like mycelium that can grow large masses of fungal flesh if left alone.

Ecosystem Cycles

Due to influence from Mu and its volcanic region, the summers are extremely hot while the winters are extremely cold, albiet not to the extent of mainland Mu.

Localized Phenomena

Clouds of ash and soot from Mu often casts over the sky, especially in the east, and can last for months at a time.

Fauna & Flora

Giant mushrooms the size of trees pepper the landscape. The ground is covered in a grass-like mycelium.   The insects in this region are known to get as large as wolves, and many consume blood with mosquito-like proboscises.   The World Mushroom is a colossal mushroom that spans for miles across. It is suspected that it's mycelium stretches so far underground that it connects to every other island in the archipelago.   Plantlife is virtually nonexistent, and the niches they would provide are instead filled by specialized fungi and protists.

Natural Resources

The stems of the giant mushrooms can be harvested for their hyphae, which provide a similar function to wood.   The fungal masses that grows from the grass-like mycelium can be harvested as food, and lasts a suprisingly long time.   Various mushrooms have various strange and medicinal properties that can be used throughout The Boundless Expanse
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