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Character Creation Quickstart Guide

Character Creation


Step 0:

This is optional at this point, but it really helps to gather the following materials:
  • writing utensils (both permanent and erasable) such as pens and pencils;
  • a set of polydice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), multiple d6's if you have them;
  • a piece of paper or anything to note down your (temporary) rolls or draft any ideas that might develop on;
  • a blank Character Sheet, which you will need eventually anyway.

  • Step 1:

    Select what race you'd like to play from the list of available Player Races:
  • if you have a desire to play as anything other than this, contact the GM and discuss your wishes with them;
  • once you have decided on a race, write down its racial features.

  • Step 2:

    Roll the dice as outlined by your race to determine your ability scores and calculate your Ability Modifiers:
  • write these scores down in the order that you rolled them;
  • as a human, rearrange up to two results if you wish;
  • reroll your constitution score should your character come up dead on arrival;
  • if desired, spend one of your Fate Tokens to reroll any other ability.

  • Step 3:

    Have your GM roll your profession (background), or choose your own if your GM allows it:
  • write down your starting equipment based on your profession roll;
  • calculate your armor class and your starting hit points;
  • by default, you will start out with a Morality score of 0;
  • as a human, pick a starting proficiency. As a non-human, write down your starting proficiency.

  • Step 4:

    With the information you have gathered so far, you can fill in your Character Sheet!

    Articles under Character Creation Quickstart Guide


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