BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 5

General Summary

  • The party of
Bramble, Doarph and Hobble arrived at the Rickety Inn .

  • The party there met up with Borri Brickabrack. He seemed to be doing fine. He had hired some mercenaries for protection.

  • The party got Borri up to speed at what they had discovered on the cult so far.

    • The cult is the reason why the woodland spirits are angry. The balance of power is disturbed.

    • There the party met a mage who goes by Malakar the Hedge-Mage. He was the one who sent for the alchemical substances the party had found before in the woods.

    • Later the party learned from Malakar that the substances were Bloodroot and Ghoul's Blood.

    • Alexa and Thalorin join the party.

    • Malakar is working on a potion that lets you tap into the leylines of the world to track down the source of the disturbance.

    • Malakar explains that he was asked multiples times by the cult to join them but has so far rejected them.

    • Malakar was unaware that Father Noctis was missing.

    • Malakar asked us to go to the Sepulcher of the Forsaken. There we supposedly should find an evil looking amulet with two twisted black thorns with a gemstone at its center.

    • Malakar also wants us to retrieve some Midnight Bloom for the potion. It looks like a crocus with purple petals. We were to be careful handling the flower however as it can be dangerous otherwise.

    • Malakar explains that he was able to keep safe in this environment through a mutually beneficial relationship with Silas Smiles , who runs the assassins guild upstairs. Malakar provides them with poisons for their services.

    • Malakar showed us on a map where we were to find the Sepulcher. It lies straight north, if we reach the badlands we will have gone too far.

    • The noticeboard had a quest out from Kirin Flynt regarding his missing cart. The party had found it before although ravaged and informed him of their findings.

    • Kirin Flynt asked us to track down whatever attacked the cart. We agreed to look into it.

    • Before parting ways we informed Borri of the dangers of the cult and that it could be bigger than we thought. Borri set of alone to the Strange Temple.

    • Doarph supplies both Alexa and Thelorin with some adventuring supplies. A bedroll for each, a tent to share and some food for Thelorin. Thelorin owes 1 silver and 3 copper, Alexa owes 15 copper.

    • The party decided to head north first. Alexa had traveled down from the north and led the way.

    • The party travelled 1 tile to the northwest.

    • On their travels, the party stumbled upon a strange monument that had some kind of rune-like carvings.

    • It started to get dark so we decided to stop traveling for the day and set up camp near the monument.

    • Bramble and Alexa set up a trap to maybe catch some game during the night. Doarph, Hobble and Thelorin gathered firewood, made a campfire and set up the tents.

    • After sundown the monument lit up and started to hum. The humming was loud enough to disturb our sleep.

    • Bramble gave the party members some beeswax to clog the ears for a more restful sleep. Due to Thelorin being an elf and being more attuned to these phenomenon the beeswax didn't help him as much.

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Alexa & Doarph
    1 XP (truthful notekeeping)

    1 XP (hosting session)

    Character(s) interacted with

    Bucky Smiles
    Human innkeeper
    Malakar the Hedge-Mage
    Human mage, bibliopole
    Orc bartender, cook
    Adventure start date
    1st day of the 6th moon, 724 A.C.
    Adventure end date
    2nd day of the 6th moon, 724 A.C.


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