College of Ice Magic


The Arch-Professor and his Superintendents are in charge of the Ice colleges, with the Superintendents being in charge of a college each and below them are the professors who are in charge of a classroom each.


The Ice Magi are very non-forgiving with high expectations, cold hearted you could say. they expect every student to learn to be self sufficient without needing help from anybody but themselves and to be able endure anything that is thrown at them (sometimes literally). Weakness is not welcomed amongst the colleges of Ice magic.

Public Agenda

They are willing to teach how to use and control the powers of Ice magic to anyone who is able to cast it.


They have a college in Degora amongst the icy mountains to the east within the Snow Kingdom, they have a college in the southern arctic region of Sitora within Weskonia, and they have a college in Qualzonia where the ice kingdom was formerly located.


Ice Magi have been very discreet about their history but the most famous Ice Magi was Roldan the Ice King who was the King of the Ice Kingdom.
Guild, Mages
Ice Magi
Leader Title
Related Species


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