College of Nature Magic

"Today class I brought an assistant for today's classroom subject, I will teach you how to calm animals" then the professor grabs the sheet covering and pulled it off and there was a bear in a cage who was waking up "Class today I will calm this bear after I agitate it, then i want you all each to watch me how I do it" then the professor grabs a stick and begins to poke at the bear until it became agitated and was starting to try to break free from his cage then the professor stared into the eyes of the bear locking gazes, then recites the spell's name "calm beast" in a calmly manner and then the bear begins to relax and lays back down to sleep. "Who wants to go first" said the Professor...


The Arch professor of Nature Magic is the head of the organization and below him are the superintendents who each are in charge of each college within the organization, then there are the professors who are to teach their own group of students of future Nature magi within a College.


Many Nature Magi love nature and the creatures within it, they do a lot of volunteer work around nearby communities helping with relocating nearby predators that hunt livestock and young children and ect.

Public Agenda

They want to help other learn their powers, study and control their powers and to help animals, fighting against pit fights with animals and other animal rights violations across the world.


they have many colleges across Bi'Terra, one in each country at least.
Guild, Mages
Leader Title
Related Species


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