
The Goblan's of Samora,Sitora and Degora all descent from the first Goblan, Gozr. The 12 Goblan tribes are the only race of man who still retain the ways of the nomads from a millenia ago.   +3 to all nature based magic, +3 reflex, -3 Con. and Str.

Basic Information


like a mix between a Gnoman and an Orkan, they are short and somewhat masculine with pointy elf ears with more human like features.

Genetics and Reproduction

they reproduce like mammals but can either lay eggs or live birth depending on how the conception was and when it was done such as during the colder seasons they give live birth while in the hotter seasons they lay eggs. Females will carry the child or incubate the eggs until the next hot or cold season.

Growth Rate & Stages

they are not considered adults until they are fifteen years old and are not considered elders until they are thirty years old.

Ecology and Habitats

they are very adaptable, able to live almost anywhere they decide to live as long there is food and water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

they are omnivorous.

Biological Cycle

during hot seasons the females will begin to change their organs to better suit laying eggs but during the colder seasons their organs will change to better suit live birth.

Additional Information

Social Structure

they tend to form very large groups due to their small size and weaknesses.

Average Intelligence

they are not the brightest amongst the races of men.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

they can see in the dark somewhat from up to a 10ft and are able to smell magic, vegetation and metal much stronger than the other races.
Scientific Name
35-40 years old
Average Height
3-3.5 ft
Average Weight
80-90 lbs
Average Physique
they can be quite strong and agile.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
they are mostly lighter shades of green and sometimes light tan colors as well.
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