The Qualzonian Empire (Qual-Zon-ee-ah)

The Banner of the Qualzonian Empire is the great Phoenix that was slain by the great Elfan hero Jager the Brave with the acronym V.R.V.Q which means "Volksreich von Qualzonia" which basically means People's Empire of Qualzonia.


The Emperor is like a deity to the people and his word is law. then there are many governors who act on behalf of the emperor in the provinces they have conquered/colonized.

Public Agenda

they plan to expand their borders as much as possible and become a powerful and wealthy nation and slowly someday take over the world.


The empire has control over many colonies, where their slaves can mine and harvest and make many resources that are on their islands such as gold, silver, iron, gemstones, crops, clothes, wood. They have a powerful army that also has many mages in it and have influence over some schools of magic as well. They have embassies in many countries from Degora to Sitora with many acres purchased where they conduct their business in other countries via kidnapping potential rebels and things of that nature.

Demography and Population

The empire has a majority of Elfans, their colonies however consist of orkans and dwarfans who live on those archipelagos and humans who are part of the north eastern region of Paradine.


they have a majority of Samora under their control and many islands around Samora, Degora and Sitora.


They have a powerful military with many legions and have a division made up of mages from the fire, water, air and life schools of magic.


Religion has been outlawed and the practice of it is punishable by death. Only the emperor is to be revered as the mightiest and powerful and holiest of the land...

Foreign Relations

they are currently at negative terms with the Egydians and Paradinians and some of the Orkan kingdoms. They are also very spiteful of the Weskonians because of the history of their founders, with only one small event to cause them to be at war with Weskonia.


The empire indoctrinates its population into believing how great the empire is, and how divine the monarchy is and how inferior the other kingdoms are and why they must bring them into the empire for prosperity across the world.
Founding Date
80-100 13E
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
The Stempel des Kaisers (Emperor's stamp) is the official currency of the empire with three degrees: the copper coin being worth 1/100 of a silver coin and a silver coin being worth 1/100 of a gold coin. they will not use any other currency in the empire which makes the other nations who wish to do trade with them to adhere to their currencies.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species

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