Paradine City

Behold the great city of Paradine, the largest city of the world...


it is a human majority city, the other races of men that dwell there are mainly scholars, tourists or merchants.


There are three governors for each of the city's three districts. they are each in charge of running the districts and ensuring law and order are in place. below them, each governor has three constables (chief of police practically) and they are to uphold the laws of the city. and these constables each have their own sector within the districts with their own staff of lawmen (the number of which is determined by how many volunteer or hired).


the large sea acts as a great moat for the city but it also has many cannons on top of the city walls, able to shoot downwards upon enemy ships. a large 150ft tall and 50ft thick wall surrounds the city and there are four gates, one to the north, south, east and west. and there are many ballista towers throughout the districts watching over the city from any aerial attackers or terrestrial attackers. and by the palace the Ark mage dwell at the top of his tower and can rain the most powerful of the elements upon any invaders.

Industry & Trade

It's biggest trade is fishing and the city is well known for its seafood style of cooking. And it is also well known for being an icon of music and art.


there is a great sewage system made up of stone pipes underground the city and more advanced private systems in the wealthier districts that leads south of the sea which enters into a river that leads out into the ocean.


there are 3 districts in the city: the lower class district, middle class and upper class. the lower class make up most of the population and they tend to be merchants, artisans, craftsmen, blacksmiths, butchers, innkeepers and fisherman, while the middle class is mainly soldiers, religious servants (monks, priests, ect.), wealthier merchants and artisans and the upper class population is made up of nobleman (barons/land owners, government workers, counselors, advisors, and treasurers, ect.), wealthy families, and the royal family and the descendants of the mighty men of valor of King Wolfblood and higher ranking military serviceman(Generals, Commanders and Captains). the districts of this city are said to barely have beggars before the Qualzonian war, but now many former soldiers and those affected by the war now wander the streets begging...


There are many markets that sell all kinds of things from many kinds of places: from potion shops, blacksmiths, leatherworkers, farmers, mage shops, carpenters, jewelers, and even enchanters (which is quite rare).

Guilds and Factions

The Merchant's Guild have their main headquarters stationed in the center of the city, and so do the Bounty Hunter's guild which had a Man of Valor from King Wolfblood's Mighty Men of Valor be a founder of this guild.


It was founded after "Wolf Blood" became king and Him and his mighty men of valor began to have the city built on the isle and was finished 10 years before he died. it became the model city for many kingdoms on Bi'Terra. But before this it was an island that sat in the center of the great Nepotamian sea where many gorgons witches had called it home. it wasn't until King Wolfblood had come and extincted the Gorgon race from the island and was blessed by a priest of the Divine Father did the land became hospitable and bountiful and worthy to be built upon.

Points of interest

It has two of the nine great wonders of the world: the great Library of Paradine and the Ark Mage's Tower. and these two are to said to be the best of the nine wonders of the world.


The famous Arkmage's tower is a great wonder of the world for any mage, student or master. there is also the tomb of king wolf blood that is visited by many historians, nobles and scholars who look to him for guidance of a model king. and finally is the great library of Paradine, most well known for it's giant stained glass depecting many major events across history from all over the world in chronological order.


The architecture of the city is mainly gothic mixed with medieval style of wild west architecture. a common color scheme would be blue and yellow/gold and white and gold/yellow, there are stone brick roads that cover the city's floor, connecting it to every building in the city.


It is within a large island near the center of the paradine region, a large sea acts as a natural moat. It is mainly flat making it perfect to build a city on and is covered with many wonderful acacia trees.


It tends to rain more often than every where else in Paradine. but that does not mean it does not get any sunshine at all. In fact summer's and winter's tend to have the best weather conditions here than anywhere else.

Natural Resources

fish, fresh water, stone, wood, perfect soil for crops are the most common natural resources.
Founding Date
97 11E
Alternative Name(s)
Wolfblood City
9588 (thus making it the largest city in the world with Egydia second with only 7375 people)
Inhabitant Demonym
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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