School of Death magic

The School of death magic is the most dangerous and feared school of magic, whose power knows only the bounds of the grave and the spirit world. able to commune with the spirit world, steal the life from youth, and able to bring the dead from the grave but unlike life magic, these dead are not at peace and the body lacking a soul, making it a husk, a zombie or skeleton warrior. armies of undead have been used only once by the infamous Rat King of Samora when he attempted to take over Samora with his legions of undead soldiers but was stopped by the great heroes that slain the Dragon Phoenix.


able to steal the life force of someone else making the user practically immortal, commune with the spirit world or even bring back the dead as zombies or skeletons to control.

Side/Secondary Effects

If one is not careful, this school of magic will kill and will cost the life of one's own soul, completely destroying it entirely.


It's smell is like that of the grave, rotten corpses, vomit, disease, a smell so putrid that can only be tolerated by not even those from the grave itself.


It is from the power within one's own soul, spell books or from the power of a demon.
Material Components
Spell books, the power within from one's soul for masters, and sometimes bones or organs of the recently living to perform certain spells.
Related School
The Nine schools of magic
Applied Restriction
this school of magic is banned, outlawed, hunted down for it's power and even a college master of this magic is looked down upon, only on degora is this school of magic more common from shamans and spirit guides who use this magic to speak with the spirits to guide the people of their kingdoms.

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