School of fire magic

Fire Magic is the most favored magic as it is the most easiest and efficient form of magic with many practical uses and it can be the most dangerous if used for good or evil. The most famous masters of fire magic have used this to bring warmth during harsh winters, engulf entire armies in fire or even help with making weapons and armor for entire armies.


able to cast fire out of one's hands or mouth.

Side/Secondary Effects

depending on the power and the mastery of the user, it can cause burns across the user's body. if one were to use a simple spell like "flame Spit" it won't do much damage except leave an ash aftertaste but if one were to use


fire coming out of one's skin, mostly the palm of one's hand.


Fire spell books, and master's; after using fire magic for a long time are able to use magic from within to cast fire, even on things they are not touching.
Related Element
Applied Restriction
it is the most restricted (for obvious reasons) school of magic and only those who are part of colleges for magic, court wizards and warlocks can use this kind of magic without being worried by or having need to call the guards.

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