School of Life magic

The school of life magic has been used as the main form of magic to heal and cure others and even bring back the dead from the grave. this magic requires the most patient and disciplined users of magic as at first it is quite difficult to even perform a small simple easy spell of life magic but once one gets the hang of it by being one with one's own soul, it is a very powerful and easy form of magic to use.


able to heal wounds, cure a variety of illnesses and even bring back the dead from simply touching someone.

Side/Secondary Effects

this school of magic is mainly favored for it's lack of downsides/ side effects.


A spell book or from the power within one's soul.
Material Components
A spell book to recite phrases or hands or feet or something else to feel touch to perform this school of magic.
Related School
The Nine schools of magic
Applied Restriction
This school of magic is the most acceptable style of magic and has barely no restrictions from performing it and lacks authorization to use in public. only in the nations of degora and the Palpatanian Empire have laws that prevent the use of this magic if one did not graduate from a medical school or from a college.

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