School of Light Magic

Light Magic is a very unique form of magic as it can branch off into two distinct styles of light magic, casting light when feeling joyful and righteous while being chaotic or the other which casts darkness when the user feels wrath and evil while being peaceful. this style of magic became very culled down in numbers during the war for the ark spark to a degree that not even the Ark Mage could attempt at light magic due to the lack of user's.


To cast light from one's eyes, mouth, palms or their foreheads or to cast darkness from one's mouth, palms and chest.

Side/Secondary Effects

this form of magic doesn't really have very noticeable side effects when used, however due to needing strong emotions to cast this form of magic the user could overtime become conditioned to only feel those emotions instead of any other kind.


it has no smell nor temperature, however some spells could produce sound.


light spell books, or from power within as a master; since they have trained for many years using light magic.
Related Discipline
Light Magic
Related School
College of Light Magic
Related Element
Applied Restriction
because of many assassins and spies in the past using light magic for evil and for helping out the college of death magic, this school of magic was almost wiped out but some members survived and overtime their stigma became less toxic and more tolerable but no longer recognized as a legitimate school of magic no longer...

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