The Great Shaman of the Bunda Tribe (Boon-duh)

Octagon Knight Mighty Roots of Golden Tree


HP:73 AC:17(10+Dex. bonus+Armor(+7))   Str:29 (+5)   Dex:16 (+5)   Con:18 (+5)   Int:21 (+5)   Wis:24 (+6)   Cha:17 (+5)     Fort:+10   Ref:+5   Will:+13
Class:Fighter/Nature Magi
Alignment:Lawful Good

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Even though he is a goblan he is quite taller than most being around 5ft tall and very strong.

Body Features

He has many tattoos on his back and forearms and his calfs and his face of his tribe's pattern.

Facial Features

He has bone piercings on his nose and ears.

Apparel & Accessories

He tends to carry a staff that belonged to his father who was chieftain of his tribe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"Mighty Roots" was born shortly after his tribe defeated their rivals in a war and grew up with the spoils they won from war. Over the years he would surely prove himself as a great warrior and a wise leader. When he was in his late teens the rival tribe returned and wiped out many from his tribe and before they could slew him many beasts came and rescued him and fought off the raiders. It was this day he learned of his natural gift to speak with animals and command in warfare. Since he thought at the time his tribe was gone he journeyed to civilization and stayed in the city of paradine and was taught in nature magic with more depth and understanding and after many years he became a master at the early age of thirty four.   As "Mighty Roots" was teaching a class, some griffons had flew by and started an attack in the city and he with some other nature magi tried to calm the beasts and get them to land and send them back where they came from but none of their magic worked and so Mighty Roots did what he was trained from a young boy to do; warfare, and he slew the griffons with ease jumping onto one of them and rode it into the other piercing it with its beak and then ripped out the eyes of the griffon he rode and jumped onto the roof of a building and then he grabbed a bow nearby and hit the heart of the third griffon killing it instantly and then he was taken by another griffon into the air. And before that griffon could do anything to him he grabbed out his knife and sliced the talons and when the griffon lost his grip, he grabbed onto the griffon's leg and climbed up and then slit the griffon's throat open and they crashed into the water in front of the city gate.   This caused him to be exiled from the school since killing animals was forbidden, especially ones that were endangered. "Mighty Roots" journeyed across Samora as a mercenary for a couple of years until he received a job to hunt a wolf terrorizing the village of Wolfskull. When he arrived many of the villagers dared not to go outside when the moon was out since that was when the wolf came. "Mighty Roots" was sitting on top of a tree with his bow ready to fire when he saw that wolf and after many hours he thought it wouldn't show up until he heard a great howl that did not sound like any wolf he knew and he saw a mighty beast pounced onto a sheep and ripped it to shreds like paper and "Mighty Roots" fired his bow and hit it right through the head and it fell down, and "Mighty Roots" jumped down and saw the lifeless body of some weird creature with the body a wolf and a man, then he felt something was off and the beast quickly got up and swiped at "Mighty Roots" and sending him flying away and landing onto a tree almost knocking him unconscious. And before the monster can pounce onto "Mighty Roots" he grabbed his spear impaled the beast in the heart but the monster would not die. After rolling out the way from the monster trying to bite him he quickly ran and climbed to the top of a roof and began to remember tales of such a monster his tribe would sing about; "Mighty Beast who be the son of the moon and be the father of wolves, behold a lust for flesh that no man can run from and no man can fight you". He always thought such a tale was not real until now and then he remembered the one weakness of the monster yet he did not know for sure what it was and then he remembered the end of the song; "behold son of the moon, the daughter of man has slain you with her mighty spear whose tip of silver no monster can withstand". And so "Mighty Roots" began to look for something made from silver and he found silver wire that was used for decoration and took it and wrapped it around his fists and when the monster found him he howled once more and readied itself and so did "Mighty Roots". And then they ran towards each other and "Mighty Roots" let out his tribe's war cry and punched the monster which exploded its jaw and he kept punching melting away its face and then he punched it right through the chest exploding its insides finally killing it.   And after this "Mighty Roots" passed out from exhaustion. He had awoken to the village people surrounding him in a room happy that he had awaken. Then there was a celebration for their hero for slaying the monster and he enjoyed himself to song and dance, food and drink for some time and when the day was ending he readied his gear and began to leave but before he could leave the village walls he saw a Gnoman and a Elfan standing there and they signaled him to come over to them and he felt something inside him telling him to go to them and he did so. Then they introduced themselves and took him to their fortress and he became a member of the octagon order. And since then he has found new purpose to protect nature and people from those who wished to annihilate it...
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
In the society of Goblans a nature magi is called a shaman or a druid and he was a famous shaman amongst the Goblans.
Date of Birth
9th day of the 9th month of the 53rd year of the 13th Era
Year of Birth
1453 72 Years old
Born to a mighty tribe of great druids whose father was chieftain
Long black in a ponytail style
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale green, commonly mistaken almost grey
Aligned Organization


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