The Last Atlantian

Octagon Knight Sir Lobsterlot of Atlantia


HP:250   AC:29(10+Dex. bonus+Armor+Natural armor-Size)     Str:21 (+5)   Dex:17 (+3)   Con:15 (+2+8)   Int:16 (+3+4)   Wis:20 (+5)   Cha:17 (+3)     Fortitude:+12   Reflex:+5   Will:+11
Alignment:Lawful Good

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sir Lobsterlot was born in Atlantia and he was naturally skilled in the magi arts even for a krustacean who were already great magi. over the years he would later become a great Magi commander fighting off hordes of Mer and helping as an ambassador to other races of men and helped found the schools of magic that are now taught almost everywhere on Bi'Terra. One day Sir Lobsterlot and his army of Atlantian warriors were called upon by the king the first Krustacean to go and wipe out all of the remaining Mer that lived in the oceans near Egydia.   After a month of traveling to Egydia they wiped out all of the remaining Mer and began their journey back home. when they were about to reach the Salakar Ocean they were ambushed by a giant herd of Mer and Sir Lobsterlot and his men tried to fight them off and slowly one by one they were picked off. And just before Sir Lobsterlot was about to get attacked Mt.Drago had erupted and caused great calamity in the ocean and the blast gave off great quakes in the ocean that instantly killed off many of the Mer and the others were burnt alive from the great heat, while Sir Lobsterlot and his remaining ten soldiers quickly swam to Atlantia and they saw the great utopian city had fallen and all that dwelt in there became boiled alive, they looked for many days but found no survivors. Sir Lobsterlot and his men had great sorrow in their hearts for they knew they were the last of their kind. afterwards the band of soldiers disbanded and some became mercenaries, while some became teachers for the schools of magic and Sir Lobsterlot journeyed all across Bi'Terra trying to find purpose in his life until he met a band of warriors who wanted to save the world and kill the eternal phoenix, and Sir Lobsterlot found a new purpose to avenge his people or at least die trying.   After Sir Lobsterlot and his newfound companions slayed the eternal phoenix they founded the octagon order to protect the world from monsters and other things that could destroy the world as the eternal phoenix did...
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
9th day of the 9th month of the 25th year of the 9th era
Year of Birth
1025 500 Years old
He was born in the great city of Atlantia who is the great grandson of the first Krustacean
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
He has a bright red exoskeleton shell, like a beautiful lobster
Aligned Organization


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