The Mighty Ronin of Degora

Octagon Knight Kentaro Tetsu-No-Ken (a.k.a. Dragon Spirit)


HP:100   AC:24(10+Dex. bonus+Armor(+14))     Str:27 (+8)   Dex:22 (+6)   Con:24 (+7)   Int:19 (+4)   Wis:19 (+4)   Cha:15 (+2)     Fort:+13   Ref:+13   Will:+14
Alignment:Lawful Good

Physical Description

Facial Features

He has a thick fu manchu style beard and a couple scars from fighting a bear on his left cheek.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kentaro was born in the capital city of The Mountain Kingdom called "Yama no chichi"; which roughly means Father of Mountains, and there his family was very well established in the city as great blacksmiths and mighty samurai who had fought on behalf of the king many times before. When Kentaro was just a young boy the Dragon Kingdom had begun to attack the mountain Kingdom again and his father and brothers were called to war and he didn't know how to smith so instead he became a servant for a daimyo called "Wan'aidoragon" and he served him for many years until he had received news from his mother that his father and brothers died in war and the king had requested all able men and boys to go fight and so Kentaro went to war to avenge the deaths of his father and brothers and restore honor to his family name.   Kentaro even though was only thirteen years old was a mighty warrior and killed many soldiers of the dragon kingdom and his name had gained fame especially when he jumped onto a dragon and killed its rider and the killed the dragon by stabbing it in the head with his katana and crashing it into another dragon. After the war was over he had returned to his home to find his mother had remarried and sold off all of his father's and brothers' things and he was kicked out and forced to live somewhere else. He would return to the daimyo he served before and was a good soldier guarding his daimyo for many years. when his daimyo died of old age his sons had took the wealth and inheritance from his servants and kicked them out and even killed some of them. And once again Kentaro was without a job and now a ronin and after some time he became a mercenary on behalf of anyone with the coin for his services. He had accepted many contracts; slaying great beasts, capturing criminals and rescuing loved ones on behalf of others, and over the years he would even come to familiarize himself with slaying undead, monsters such as vampires and werebeasts and he even slayed a great demon that had oppressed a town of farmers west, near the borders of the dragon kingdom.   As Kentaro was journeying back to a village he occasionally visited, he was ambushed by a band of bandits who surrounded him and were able to capture him and took them to their fort. Kentaro was bound for many days and treated very harshly by these dishonorable people. The bandits realized they couldn't make any money from him from extortion and so they decided to kill him and take his belongings but before they could kill him one of the bandits had a spear impaled through the back of the head to the mouth and the other bandit before he could turn around he was decapitated by a khopesh saber like weapon. Kentaro could barely see much from his injuries but he thought he saw a cherub rescuing him and he became unconscious again.   When he woke up again he was on a boat in the middle of the sea and he saw the cherub again and asked him where he is taking him? And the cherub did not speak but rather showed him a map of Samora and pointed on it a spot and Kentaro eventually understood that is where he is being taken to. after a week out at sea they arrived to a shoreline that is nowhere near a city or town and they journeyed for a few days until they arrived at a fortress and there Kentaro was already well known about and he was initiated into the Octagon Order because his father was a previous member and Kentaro was heir to the membership. Then Kentaro after a couple days to familiarize himself with his duties was given a mission the north Paradine to slay a group of death magi who were attempting to resurrect their master Kolbaias from the dead.
Current Location
Date of Birth
27th day of the 1st month of the 80th year of the 13th era
Year of Birth
1480 45 Years old
He was born in the capital city of the mountain kingdom
Long Black in a manbun samurai style
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light pale green
Aligned Organization


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