Vampire Clan: Clan of "Wolf's Bane"

The flag of this clan depicts a vampire skull with two swords which are the self proclaimed Vampire King's two enchanted scimitars.


They are high class society of vampires with a huge belief in respect and hierarchy.

Public Agenda

They currently have been slowly building a clan large enough to take over Paradine and establish a kingdom of vampires. But they have been having plenty of problems acquiring this goal as their number are slowly fading by vampire hunters. And to slay every Werewolf on Bi'Terra.


This Clan was founded when a young man was attacked by werewolves in southern region of Samora and was left for dead until a vampire came and "saved his life" by turning him into a vampire. that young man would then become known as wolves' bane as he would hunt werewolves and avenge the death of his family and revenge for when they had slayed him. When King "Wolf Blood" took over the southern region of Samora, his last act of taking it over was when he wiped out "Wolves'-Bane's" nest and slayed his patriarch. "Wolves'-Bane" would then become the next patriarch and renamed his clan to "Clan of "Wolf's Bane" and would swear revenge against the kingdom of Paradine and make himself become King of the southern region of Samora.
Founding Date
30th year of the 9th era.
Geopolitical, Clan
Wolf Killers
Related Species


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