Spider River Traders

The The Spider River's Guild is the main guild of Aerenwe, but the guild also controls extensive holdings in Roesone.


They started as a sawmill's guild who harvested the southern marches of the Spiderfall, but Guilder Ghoried (Siele Ghoried's father) expanded the guild to include the bargemen of the upper Spider, and handed a network of interests and investments to her when he retired. The Spider River's guild is one of the few honest guilds in Anuire. Siele is a good-hearted person who believes that her great wealth should be reinvested into the land. She avoids shady contacts or underhanded businesses, keeping her empire legitimate and legale. Her reluctance on more sinister methods places the guild at a disadvantage compared to rivals such as orthien tane or Essafah el-Hadid. She is focused on growing at home in Aerenwe, the battle for control in Roesone is nothing more than an expensive sideshow for her.
Guild, Merchant


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