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Around the World Events '93

THings to include   Kate moss - London party Alan Cumming and Saffron Burrows - just divorced, bi, london Claudia Schiffer - German Party Marie Baumer - German Party Thomas Keretschmann - German Party   USA Party   Margaret Cho - recommend comedy, pro glbt Angelia Jolie - Bisexual Maria Bello - Bi Fergie - BI - helped with record label connection Billie Joe Armstrong and fiance - bi   DADT - Sam Nunn voted against Clinton's integration attempts, Tony agrees to assist in the disarmament of Russia for Nunn's assistance in making the transistion smooth. SI has a lot of Military work, Tony networks. Craig Quigley speaks against gays for promiscuity reasons. Carl Mundy Jr (Commandant of Marine Corp) is a bigot against all but non-minority, on joint cheif of staff (Gordon Sullivan(Neu), Frank Kelso (Blackmail with Tailhook COntroversy, replaced by Mike Boorda, science heavy, assist in avoiding Suicide, For), Merril McPark(businessman type Airforce dude, offers assistance with QAF, For), and Edward Baca (support the National Guard, For).  Fred fritz Klein sexologist psychologist.   Initial Bill was put forth by Brock adams, Barbara Boxer and Pat Schroeder, Dick CHeney backs Gay Marriage. Coli Powell, believed DADT was right for its time, liberal Rep. and would be open to a moderate inclusion. Push Les Aspin to open military for women and DADT. Urge protection for Somalia
  • 1993

    1 June

    Tony leaves for 6 month sabbatical
    Diplomatic action

    Additional timelines
  • 1993

    12 June

    16 June

    Tony Rwanda involvment

    Tony connects Rwanda and UN security council to back Resolution 872 for peace.  Gains favor of a few politicians and meet T'Chaka   Meet T'Chaka   He also disappeared for a week to reach out to T’Chaka again. He told the king he wanted to apologize for his father breaking off relations after acquiring the vibranium and was hoping to renew relations. T’Chaka appeared distrusting, but anyone who had done business with Howard felt that way about Tony at first too. Tony was gifted with a necklace of beads that he refused to scan and hung it in a place of honor in his front walkway where it would have a good view of his door, but not near anything vital, just in case. He was careful to remember the details whenever a guest pointed it out.

  • 1993

    24 June

    27 June

    South Africa

    Tony is in South Africa to ski at Akriski and to lend Economic support for negotiations - World Trade Center in Jozi is attacked

  • 1993

    3 July

    20 July

    Tony USA NYC

    Calm James down, push for him to become legal   Kidnapping attempt - also a good push

  • 1993

    1 August

    10 August


    Amsterdam - Quentin Tarantino working Pulp fiction, John travolta and wife in Pulp Fiction with infant   Hague - Meet Shi Jiuyong, Jens Evensen (retired in 93), Robert_Yewdall_Jennings (retires 95) (set up for Meta laws) HCCH - Child protections, meta work, (US - Christopher Schroeder), find other connections   Ruud Lubbers - industrial reforms, welcomes SI!  tony interacts with, Also meets Wim Kok (next PM) and discusses labor concerns

  • 1993

    10 August

    20 August


    France - Simone Segouin (nurse and WWII vet), Helena Christensen(trio w/ husband)   trial for Rene Bousquet exposed not only other collaborators but also meta human experiments from WWII. give Tony the edge he needs to get dirt on France's politicians in UN -   Meet and kiss Janice Cord, her father owns Cord Industries, robotics company. Tony will later save him from the demolisher

  • 1993

    1 September

    10 September


    Poland - Spielberg filming Shindler’s List, Tony helped with Jurassic Park?,   Mediate between Yeltsin and Walesa to remove Northern group from poland. Promises Yeltsin and Leonid kovalev to visit Russia later in year   Meets Manfred Lachs - retires in 93

  • 1993

    13 September

    17 September

    Milan, Italy

    Hannes Seifert, Niki Laber and Peter Baustädter - Game developers Drink or Die - Meet Misha (Jimmy Jamez - Tony gives him the nickname)   Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 13–17 September 1993, Milan, Italy

  • 1993

    25 September

    30 September

    Tony visit to Romania

    Visit Romania - collect James's stash   Attempt to entner economy - meet with Nicolas Vacaroiu, cannot, no privatization of economy   He also stopped over in Romania with James and picked up the cache. It took several hours and a very full plane, but he was able to get everything. They packaged it in two crates and shipped it back hidden amidst various “gifts” of visitors and a car. James supervised the loading and unpacking, declaring everything present and accounted for

  • 1993

    10 October

    20 October

    Tony in India

    Kidnapped by Veerappan, James comes to save. He identifies police spy. They work together to escape when botches HYDRA assassin tries to kill him and incite Indian police. James identifies and spins as anti-Veerappan. HYDRA supports Veerappan from behind the scenes. Red Room takes first born (had 3 daughters) - need name Originally HYDRA killed police spy and Veerappan bombs police - kills many

  • 1993

    15 October

    20 October


    Meets Tomiichi Murayama (will become a prime minister) he just won a seat in August elections   Meets Rumiko (Sets up this as the 2nd satalite SI office after London) with RUmiko's parents (nanobots - Link up with Hope   Raika Domei - Photograph trio Toy meets accidentally   Meets Shinobu Yagawa - currently of Toaplan (bankrupt in '94) and gets into a long talk about shooter games and the mechanics of game controls

  • 1993

    22 October

    30 October

    Russia Visit

    Travel after political revolt - Yeltsin wins (Representative democracy and liberal)   Gather Vanko from Ukraine?   Ally with - Ukraine - Hydroelectric on Buh river to extract minerals Beeline - Introduce Dr Dmitri Zimin to Augie Fabela (27), worked with Howard on Plexsys International, Elena Bonner(husband is physicist) and Boris Altshuler (MIT prof during Toy’s last few years) work MRCHR, TOny donates so they help him fins Vanko(s) DoD - find while looking for Vanko, makes deal - no profit from hacking (hackers of software) and Tony not turn in. Challenges to pre-release SI software without inide man - if yes, Tony ignore deal, Tony currently has software free cuz hardware focus sales Nornickel - Palladium, copper, nickel deposits, outbuys Interros, reforms management, sets up supply chain TOny brings Siemans and T-Mobile connections to Moscow - Form MTS Russia Supply chain with Minerals with HMS (Hydromashservice) Offer protection for Vladimir Yevtushenkov by interfering with Interros, partnership with Sistema RBK - media

  • 1993

    1 November

    20 November


    Tony joins DIana for remembrance Day in Northern Ireland. Talks of her leaving public life for a break, Security is Bethany Cabe   Connect with Deloitte - Professional services including international business   London - Hugh Grant - anti-media, dislikes celebrity life, Tony can grip about, filming big in London summer ‘93, Rick Astley - withdrawing from public life for his daughter (rick-rolled), Garth Brooks (UK break out), Queen tribute   George Michael - bisexual, partner dies March ‘93, John Marshall of Gay times?, Kenny Everett   Meet Bethany(Girlfriend from Comics) - guard for Tony at party that Red Room  crashes for IRA, She will join SI later after her husband vanishes(?), James is shadowing   Julia Roberts - relaxing, friend of Maria?   Return home in time for THanksgiving

  • 1993

    23 November

    30 November

    Tony USA NYC

  • 1993

    25 November

    Find Jack

    Meet Jack

  • 1993

    1 December

    14 December

    Tony USA California?

    Hollywood parties   Rhodey gets the month to bring him to heel   Tony returns for HOward's Death   tries to reason with SI   DOesn't work so He leaves again

  • 1993

    16 December

    Howard's death anniversary

    In Manhattan - already recruited Jack

  • 1993

    26 December

    29 December

    Tony Returns to SI

    After Christmas celebrations the SI BOD congregate at tony's house.  they'd voted off the nay-sayers and not good for the company and ask for him to come back   He has some requirements - pushes through new controls for him over creation of departments (stock amount dependent as compromise), new rules regarding salaries and employment, pushes for international reach


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