Bal Ardura, the Soothing Desert Spring

"Prudes and cheapskates not welcome. Everyone else, come on in." - Sign in Bal Ardura, unknown author

Written by: jester2b
Cover art by: Rafael Sewa

Sight for Sore Eyes

Those who are willing to venture north of Mor Cralk into the vast uncharted deserts and Storm Plains often make one last stop into a small town at the edge of the desert. A town with only one road and a vast, empty expanse beyond. Originally founded in 1451 1E by Roctane settlers and Rift Runners as a last stop to stock up and rest for those traveling into the deserts beyond. Built along the banks of an oasis, Bal Ardura is a sight for sore and dehydrated eyes. It didn't take long for word to reach out to travelers of the town at the end of the road nor those looking to make money off of those passing through the town. Businesses stocked up on supplies to sell to travelers and Rift Runners flooded the town, looking to take advantage of the newly founded demand. Others came into town looking to give those passing through a way to blow their earnings and enjoy themselves, building clubs, inns, bars, brothels, and theaters. Bal Ardura's reputation shifted from a place to rest and stock up on supplies to one for people to unwind, let loose, and enjoy themselves. Visitors from all across the Rift and the "old world" came to see the sights and enjoy themselves in this once humble town.  

The New Players in Town

In recent years, two prominent figures have arisen within the bustling town who've brought an uneasy air to the carefree Bal Ardura.   The first was a woman simply calling herself Lady Goldnight, an eningmaitc Unganna who seemingly appeared out of thin air and had already taken ownership of multiple prominent establishments within the town. Bal Ardura's small town watch had been replaced by her own personal garrison who patrol the streets and the surrounding area. Other establishments not yet owned by her have already been offered fairly lucrative deals to cede ownership to her. Lady Goldnight is seemingly making a move to take control of the entirety of Bal Ardura, though her goals are not fully known, even by some of her closest associates.    Lady Goldnight's main rival in the city is Berryn Mortr, the owner of the biggest brothel in Bal Argura, the Noble's Hotspring. In response to Lady Goldnight's push for control in the city, Berryn has been providing protection to businesses that his rival has been eyeing in an attempt to drive her away. His price for his protection is low but comes with the requirement to fulfill any favors he may have for them. It is somewhat of an open secret that Berryn is in cohorts with the demon Adèl Grenko, one of the Scions of Charobaan, who has given him access to succubi and incubi for certain types of visitors. While many would speak ill of a man who converses with demons, many within town see no harm in having such exotic experiences on offer, some of those being the very same critics.   How such a conflict with unfold is anyone's guess. Will it be an explosion of violence in the street as the two clash in the streets? Perhaps it shall be nothing more than backroom deals most would never be privy to.    Time, as it always has, will time.
Founding Date
1451 1E
Location under


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