Insillimar's Far Haven

"To all those who seek freedom from the Aeunta's chains. To those who wish to make their own fate. Be welcome." - Insillimar, The Chain-Breaker

Written by: jester2b
Cover art by: Rafael Sewa

Dream of a Chain Breaker

Insillimar, the scion of Horda Sventai, was always disillusioned with the machinations of the Aeunta and the pre-destined servitude demon-kind had to their overlords. A noble among demons he may have been, but he was nothing more than a pawn, a tool to be used and discarded as his creator willed it. His life and fate would never truly be his own. He searched tirelessly beyond the purview of his creator, serving him while masking his true intentions. It was only when his search seemed hopeless that he would find his answer.   In the empty ruins of a race once known as the Choralhanae, he would discover a secret magic, a ritual allowing them to unbind a demon from its Anima Chain. A power that could seemingly free him from servitude; created by the hands of a people destroyed by the Scion of Immora. With this power in hand, Insillimar would create Chainbreaker, an implement that would break a demon from its Anima Chain upon contact with its blade. He would use it upon himself and invoke the wrath of Horda Sventai.   Horda Sventai would attempt to destroy his creation, his beloved tool. Insillimar would escape and flee to a forgotten and hidden away realm. This realm was once a lifeless world seeded by the Cyclical Triumvirate, the entity that would eventually become Charobaan. Insillimar would use this bountiful garden world as his new home and a place to enact his dream of a place where demons can live free of the Aeunta's subjugation. He believed that the mortal races and demons could co-exist together and that the violence and death of mortals at the hands of demons was a cruel product of the Aeunta.   To protect his dream, Insillimar enacted a ritual that shielded away his Far Haven with a barrier that prevented the Aeunta from entering or meddling with his realm. The source of the barrier's power came from Insillimar himself; the barrier would only fall if he was fully destroyed.  

The Distant Refuge

All who wish for peace and to be free of the Aeunta are welcome into the Far Haven. In this small garden world, a grand city stands as a beacon of unity unseen anywhere else in the Expanse. Demons and mortals live alongside each other, free of the machinations, the deceptions, and the bloodshed such interactions normally bring. To sustain the demons in the city, Anika is channeled and distributed by a trusted sect of mages through energy wells and rechargeable Spirit Stones. The bountiful and fertile land surrounding the city provides excellent farming opportunities to feed the rest of the city's population.   Those who wish to enter the Far Haven must go through Insillimar's secret network of informants, who can guide demon escapees to the hidden world. His informants are masters of infiltration and espionage, discovering sources and dissent within Aeunta realms and giving demons a way to escape without invoking their overlord's wrath. Once they reach the Far Haven, escaping demons are severed from their Anima Chains, unbinding them to their Aeunta masters, and given a new opportunity in life.    While difficult to enter, many Aeunta and their agents have tried to get into the refuge for free demons, seeing Insillimar as a threat to the Aeunta's status quo. Insillimar and his most trusted comrades must stay vigilant at all times for threats from beyond to protect the denizens of his realm and the dream it represents.


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