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Blim Whitefluff

Blim Whitefluff

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small yet agile, Blim is easy to miss. Her blue skin sets her apart from anyone else whilst her small size keeps her safe. She has no physical ailments and does not let her size stop her from doing anything. Her wings are her most useful assets.

Identifying Characteristics

Blim has a few very unusual features, the fact that she can just glow on demand being one of them. Hey wings may be simple but serve her well in her travels.

Physical quirks

Blims wings may be mighty for such a small creature but they have one terrible flaw. Should she submerge into water she is in danger, her wings cease to function as they should and struggles to leave the watery doom.

Special abilities

Blim is able to ascend to her hearts content. She likes to float around and find hidden places. She will always gracefully and quietly come back down to earth. No one need be afraid of the dark when she is around as she is a shining beacon.... Literally, when she wants to be.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Blims history is a mystery even to herself. What she does know is she is not from these lands.   Originally she comes from a far out land, surrounded by trees and other Fae creatures. She recalls something terrible happening and she had to leave. The trauma of the event has wiped all details from her memory apart from the words "If you return you are dead".   She has spent her time since moving from place to place, learning from the locals and using her small size to watch any hidden goings on. For someone who has spent over 50 years wondering alone she has a weird way of getting people on her side and uses this to her advantage. Everything she has learnt of from hiding in corners, under tables or any small place watching to on goings of others. Rumours are her specialty, even if she doesn't quite understand some of the information she hears.   With whispers in the air of a rebellion moving on Hans Iste, she sprung into action. She wasn't to be part of the fighting but would observe from afar. Occasionally using her healing aura to help those left behind in the chaos.   She saw the fall of Jaisalmer, she witnessed the end of Hans and followed the people into the walls of Virkhagen. After settling down in a house on the outskirts, she visited some of her old hideouts.   At present Blim is a spokesperson for the people of Aremore. She has found a family there and spends most of her time doing all she can to keep them safe.


Everything she has learnt if from observing the people around her. She picks up the skills she sees quite well and tends to practise things on her own if she finds them usefull.

Mental Trauma

Ask her about her past and she won't reply. She doesn't know anything. Over 50 years alone can really mess with a person. She is still learning how to correctly act around others.

Intellectual Characteristics

At a glance, Blim does not seem very smart. She barely understands proper social graces due to being alone for so long. But the watching gives her a different type of smarts. She learns/copies from those she follows. Meaning she has a great many more skills than the average being. But just be careful talking to her. She might get confused.

Personality Characteristics


Blim is motivated to know as much as she can. She hopes one day this will unlock her memories to the past. She knows she did something bad and fears she will never find out what.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves honey and collects sticks. She also loves to help people she sees in need.   She does how ever hate the sound that honey makes... so rarely indulges.


Contacts & Relations

On a visit back to Aremore she met up with a few new people. Rekker and Ranger called her "family" She is not sure what this is but ok! She has made a name for herself and made alliances in all areas, this making her the voice of Aremore and its people.

Religious Views

If asked, her magic was bestowed to her by the gods of Ephyrae. She heard they don't like magic from any other place. So she uses her light to "lie" her way in.

Wealth & Financial state

She has a lot of stuff.... This however isn't wealth to her. Ask nicely and you might get something good for almost nothing.

Somehow both charismatic and shy, this blue Fairy is a enigma in many ways. Her past is unknown but she certainly knows a lot about the present.

Character Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Unknown, 100+
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Fae Island outside Aremore
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
She has spent time learning most of the languages she comes across, if not fluent she can communicate conversationally.

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I'm so sorry...........
Moments after the festival

*small smudges cover the page, they look like droplets. Maybe from someone crying*   It's all my fault. I should of stayed alone. Who was I to think I would finally fit somewhere! All I do is bring tragedy where ever I go. I have never felt more alone, even though I am surrounded by people. The festival was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, I felt free and weightless. I have never felt anything like it. For a few hours I forgot about the overwhelming dread and loneliness and witnessed what having "friends" is really like. People loved the bricks! We had so much fun. The ceremony almost when off with out a scratch... but then it happened... Keiko gave the news. The Queen is dead, Freya had been murdered. I didn't even get to show them my fireworks.   I go to gather some things from town..... THE TREE IS GONE. Not a scrap of it left. It's my fault. I should never of made a home. I have no home.   I am going to be alone. I am going to find out what happened. I know where a scrap of the tree is. I know who did it and why.   I am no friend or family. I am just tragedy. I knew I didn't belong.   I am sorry. I AM SORRY. I AM SORRY. I AM SORRY. I AM SORRY. I AM SORRY. I AM SORRY. *This continues until the page is so wet it is unreadable*

The Festival Approaches.
Moments before the festival

I am nervous. The festival was my idea. The opening is happening so soon. Why did this stranger invite so many people? Will the people of Aremore be ok?   I have heard whispers of Elias being alive. The Aremorians have been talking about him... But I watch a lot.... I see everything and I am yet to see him? I have seen blood, scary rooms and things that no one else should ever see. Surely this means he is gone.... Right?   Witch concerns me, the tower is for "safety" he has brainwashed some of my people to join this Allay thing.... Ranger doesn't know any better, but Rekker... He is meant to be smart. I will keep watching and learning, I will keep these people who call me "friend" and "family" safe.   I met Phoenix, but I question it. How do we know its not still Fuyuko? or that Fuyuko is not Phoenix? I have started my research about this. No one can know. The facility is well hidden.   The shops are doing well... I am slowly learning what this "currency" thing is. I have so much stuff now! No idea what its used for but I have it. I have a new "friend" too! Its a Llama. Her traveller man was murdered right outside my house, so she is mine now... right? I think that is how this works.   Anyway, the festival is going to start soon. Lets hope it all goes well.

Hello, its been a while.

I thought it would be time to update my story. A lot has happened since I started following the rebellion. Virkhagen was cold but it was a good home for a while. My secrets were kept safer than the peoples it seems. Oh the mysteries I found. I won't detail it too much here what I have found as if anyone got their hands on this there is no knowing what they would do. The library has secrets, I found them, the books contained knowledge I should not know. Since they have been removed. Who ever put them there might know their secrets were found. Also, secrets in the castle. I found a room. A room I hope never to see again. The horror in there is unimaginable.   I travelled again, this time back to Aremore. Here I met some interesting people. They called me "family" and "friend"? I think I may of had these once before? But I do not remember really... When I try think that far back everything starts to hurt and the world spins. But yes, back to these people, I enjoy their company. I was used to being alone so its a strange feeling. I almost feel bad for watching their every more. They think they can keep their secrets still, I won't let them know they can't. As I quite like this friend thing.   The festival was my idea, they seemed so sad from all the death and burning and building. But I didn't invite the others! They are scared, the stranger scares them. The other people worry them. I think I can protect them? I think I failed to protect someone a while ago?   They have a safe place under the ground. This is good. They might need it. One has many hidden holes in their home. The snow one spends a lot of time there. Her secrets are very much tragic. One of her secrets seems to of released itself.   The one with the many holes under their home as left, they are no longer friends with the snow one? But they have changed too much.   For now, I will keep my shops stocked and keep watching them all. Some are aware of it but most are not. But at least they trust me. Not that they should? I do not know. There is still a cloud in my head. I hope they can trust me.


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