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Rekker Trygve

Rekker Trygve (a.k.a. Red Bastion)

Someone who seems to be perpetually distracted and who ends his speeches in a different language every time. He has a bit of a shaky past, but he's working on it

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rekker appears to have a slightly above average physique, having trained for most of his life. His hair was entirely grayish albino.   He has no exaggerated battle marks, but does have a scar on his left shoulder.

Apparel & Accessories

In his hair Konrad wears a blue flower. It belonged to the rebel who he tried to save during a battle. He carries this flower with him in memory of that life and many others lost during that war

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rekker lived in the Virkhagen area for much of his life, aspiring to become its defender and joining the local militia. Not too long the rebellion started. Despite this, he remained faithful to his homeland,Virkhagen. He continued to serve it until the beginning of the rebellion led by Mabel Walker. He was forced to fight in fear of the charge of treason, making a small name in the battlefield, the "Red Bastion", due to his eye coloring and his determined resistance he had.   During that time he understood that the rebels were right and that the war he was supposed to fight was on their side. After the Fall of Jaisalmer he made the decision to abandon the kingdom and join the rebels, but one doubt stopped him.   Who would ever accept someone whose hands are stained with their brothers' blood?   Without having the strength to continue fighting for the Falstead Empire and the fear of the rebels he decided to flee from the war, setting fire to one of the Empire's warehouses in the meantime. He would not leave without leaving damage to Hans Iste. At present, he is taking refuge in Aremore in search of a life more peaceful.


Currently, He uses what he has learned and his strength to help around Aremore, aiding in the town's rebuilding. He makes a living with small quests. His dream is to be able to open a bistro in the small town assuming that the work and the stories of passers-by will one day cloud what happened in his past

Accomplishments & Achievements

The only thing of note that can be credited to Rekker is the nickname he had given himself during the battles, namely the "Red Bastion".   Although he was acclaimed by a few fellow soldiers, he was never proud of it.

Failures & Embarrassments

During a skirmish with the rebels he tried to defend one of them, the girl seemed devoted to the cause but not particularly trained. Rekker hit her in non-vital spots on and let her escape, only to see her skewered by an archer seconds later. He blames himself for that death, he thinks that if he had rebelled earlier he would have saved that life.

Mental Trauma

Rekker is in severe ailment from what had happened during the battles. Mainly the sound of the arrows is what scares him, being hit by them doesn't bother him though

Personality Characteristics


Find forgiveness or redemption for his actions. Returning one day to Virkhagen to be able to serve her as before and find peace in his mind puts an end to those nightmares and voices he hears every time he closes his eyes.

Likes & Dislikes

Although he is not afraid to use it, he considers violence wrong if used in the wrong way, even if he doesn't think there is anyone who can say what is right or wrong   Cooking, desserts in particular, is what he prefers to do.

Kind Paladin-Like Behaviour. Rekker is looking for a simple life after some "minor" problems whit his homeland.

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Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Abbiamo tutti i nostri pesi, ma abbiamo davvero la forza di portarli?   We all have our burdens, but do we really have the strength to carry them?
Known Languages
Other than the common language spoke in his mother land, he managed to learn some old language.   " dimostrazione di forza non è spezzare una vita, ma è saperne riparare una e rispettarla..."

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A mess.

A mess. Everything is a mess.   Aelos is going rogue, he almost killed Goose. Or i mean, it was pretty close. There is some big shit going aroound him and Rams, i dont know much about it yet and honestly i dont want to find out. Im not sayng that i dont care just...there is other stuff that i have think about.   I made some progress with that new tech, but i may need to speed thing up since the ground is tryng to kill us. Most of my farms are gone, it will touch the water soon and if that happens i dont know what kind of food we will grow.   Just to add some spice to this shit now i also made a mess whit Alice. Everthing was slowly coming togheter but now, i had to mess things up.   I snapped, for a brief moment. What kind of friend am i? I took an oath to protect people and then i...I threaten her? i didnt meant to...or did i?   "after all i did for her"   that was not some kind of...debt or threath...i was just angry. but that's not a reason- im no better than him if i do this kind of things.   I need some space away from aremore. Ranger will kill me if i do something like that. Fuck.

Too much to handle

Where do i even begin?   There are so much suff going on i cant even think whitout having an heachache. Maybe if i try to list things i can avoid a stroke or   Bunker. The bunker is basically ready, we are working on the living quarter now and even if the farms are not up yet but all the resource are there. Traps are also good to go, we just need a new escape plan but we dont have time anymore, the festival is here and we must be ready whit what we have. We also agreed that leaving innocent people alone in case of danger is not...rigth, so all of the people are allowed in case of emergency, im not going to let innocent people die, not again.   My brother. He is alive and not in virk anymore. And that is kinda my fault too- correlation whit me during the rebellion could have led to some complication for my family but now it seems that everything is fine. He is in Ephy now, i met him after he sent me that letter. Apparently Fuyuko, Moore and Alice said my name in a conversation whit him and got interested...that could have ended poorely- what if someone was looking for me? That was so irresponsible from them...glad everything ended up in a good way.   Oh talking about those 3...beside them cleary having something going on between them they also have some MAJOR issue that, somehow, also affected me. I mean, i saw Alice cry more than once...same for Moore. I could not help them? i didnt know how! i was trained to kill people...not to be the emotional support. Kyle was that kind of..oh rigth.   Fuyuko, or Phoenix..or Kyle. So much for leaving my past behind, since it just came at once. Turns out that inside Fuyuko there is someone else, and of all of the people in the world of course it had to be my best friend, that if i remember correctly, i killed. At first seemed like a coincidence, all of the things that Fuyuko said during her breakdown (ah yes, she had quite a few) that didnt make sense since she should not have that kind of info. And after a long period of me asking and she being the stubborn girl i always know we managed to discover that YES, she is indeed Kyle...she never told me that Phoenix was her other name. Oh and just because all of that was not enough while everyone was spread around to recover that idiot wanna guess what happend while i was alone in aremore? A raid. I skit you not, a fucking raid.   I...went "red bastion" for a bit there. Those poor bastarts though that since i was alone in the town they whould have an easy loot run. I was dead bodies. Just when i killed the last one Alice got back and i guess that...seeing me like that was not a good show. We both needed to cool down so we went to my safe room and talked it out. That place really helped...and the cider i shared halped too. I was still in there when-   --- Going forward...   The Alley. As much as NO ONE trust whitch dancer i decided to join the Alley for 2 main reason: 1-Even if he seems questionable, his fear is based on something that is entirely possible. Having somehow of a defence system is helpfull...even if those sheeps is the tower are really noisy and if that keeps going i will have lamp for dinner that day. 2-Ranger is there. I arledy told Dancer that, even if i will try my best to help everyone, Ranger will be my priority.   Ah yeah...about Ranger. We now. It's been a long time coming honestly but...i really didnt expect that to happen. It's probably the only good news in this entry.   "Camminavamo senza cercarci ma sapendo che dovevamo incontrarci"...something like that   In the next few days the festival will start. I cant sleep well- i spent time in my basement sharpening my knifes, asking myself the same question over and over again. Am i ready? Are we ready?...   It is time we "fuck around" because surely we will, eventually, "find out"        

Reflections on Recent Events

"I haven't written in my diary for a while. A lot has happened, much more than I've recorded here. I'll try to summarize.   Fuyuko has developed emotions. It was a difficult situation to handle, but with Alice,Ranger and Moore we managed to find a way to make it less stressfull. I hope things go well for her.   After the incident with Fuyuko, we discovered that there's a second person inside her, Phoenix, who seems to know me. It's a strange situation and I don't know how to handle it.   I spoke with a representative of Virkagen, a city where I'm not well-liked. I wanted to make sure that if the city participated in the festival, no one would have bad intentions. I was able to "resolve" the problem, but I wonder if my reputation can still affect my relationships with others.   I spent time alone trying to understand my emotions. It was difficult, but I tried to do my best. I'm happy to have friends like the others, who helped me get through this confused stuff.   Although I was able to help others, I don't know how to help myself. Every time I try to sleep, I have nightmares about the war I fought. I dont want to ask anyone for help, and I keep going to help the city. I don't want anyone to worry about me.   I hope that one day I can overcome all this and find some inner peace. But for now, I have to keep moving forward."

A lot, lot later...

  It's been a year since I started my journey of redemption. The journey has been long and treacherous, but I've managed to make it to the town of Aremore. The road has been filled with its fair share of hardships, from the bitter cold and treacherous terrain, to the constant battle with guilt and shame over my past actions.   I've come across many people on my journey, some have been kind and helped me, others have been cruel and sought to take advantage of my vulnerability. But through it all, I've managed to find the strength to keep going.   I've learned how to survive in the wild, hunt for food, and make a fire. I've learned to trust in my own abilities, and to believe in the goodness of people. And through it all, I've come to realize that redemption is not something that can be found overnight, it's a journey that takes time.   I've finally arrived in Aremore, with a new perspective on life and a determination to make amends for my past actions. I hope that in this new town, with its new people, I can find the peace and redemption I've been seeking.   Rekker

Day 5: Hope

The journey continues, today it felt less heavy. My shoulder wound is healing, and I'm managing to ignore the pain and keep moving.   Today, I came across a patch of edible mushrooms and decided to try my hand at cooking again. I managed to make a delicious and satisfying meal. Without the food poisoning, and the wound, I felt like someone was with me, like Kyle was helping me to find the materials and guiding my hand while cooking, like she used to.   I still miss her dearly.   Rekker

Day 4: Helping hand

The journey continues to be treacherous and the cold is biting, but I push on. My shoulder wound is deep and painful, but I try to ignore the pain and keep moving.   Today I was fortunate enough to come across a traveler on the road. They saw my wound and offered to help me, without any expectation of anything in return. This act of kindness made me think, it gave me a new perspective. After all, i was still human. I made mistakes but we all do. He read my eyes, that one traveler knew what i made but still he helped me. I could have joined the rebels maybe?But that whould have lead to more deaths...   This traveler's kindness helped to ease the guilt and shame I've been carrying. I start to believe that perhaps I made the right decision after all. I still have a long way to go, and a lot to make up for, but it's a start.   Rekker

Day 3: Keep Me Sharp

The cold is biting and the journey is long and treacherous, but I push on. Yesterday's food poisoning and the guilt of taking the life of an innocent animal weigh heavily on me, but I have to keep going. I have to find my way to Aremore and seek redemption for my past actions.   I spend the day walking through the snowy woods, trying to navigate by the stars at night. The weather is harsh, and my supplies are running low. I try to make the most of what I have, conserving my food and rationing my water.   I started the next day running from a pack of wolves, I managed to fend them off, but not without getting bitten on the shoulder. The wound is deep and painful, and I fear it may become infected. I try to clean and bandage it as best I can, but I know it will slow me down.   I've been carrying a lot of guilt and shame in my heart, and the new woud? is not helping. I hope that in Aremore, I can find the redemption and peace I seek, and maybe a doctor, but for now, I must focus on survival and making it through each day.   Rekker

Day 2: Skill Issue

I've spent the day walking through the snowy woods, unsure of my exact location but heading in the direction of Aremore. The journey is treacherous and the cold is biting, but I push on.   As night falls, I set up camp and attempt to cook some of the recipes my friend Kyle taught me before the war. But my hands are unsteady and my mind is heavy with grief. I can't help but think of her and the guilt of what I've done weighs heavily on me. My attempts at cooking were unsuccessful and I ended up with a case of food poisoning. I am weak, alone and feeling guilty for what I've done. I couldn't help but shed some tears remembering Kyle and my past actions.   I knew I had to find food to survive, so I decided to try hunting. I used patience and a handmade trap made from half of my armor and I was successful in catching a rabbit. I am sorry for taking the life of this innocent animal, but it was necessary for my survival.   I need to find my way to Aremore, to find redemption and peace but it's hard to keep going.   Rekker

Day 1: Begin

Day 1:   Today marks the day of my escape from the city of Virkagen. I've spent the last year of my life serving as a soldier, known as the "Red Bastion," for the kingdom. But the rebellion started just after I joined the military, and everything changed.   My best friend Kyle, who taught me how to cook and I trained her in weapon handling. We were inseparable. But when the rebellion started, she disappeared. I searched for her but never found any trace.   Today, as I was fighting in my last battle, I saw her again. She was on the other side, fighting for the rebels. We fought a long and grueling battle and in the end, I emerged victorious. But it was with a heavy heart that I killed her. It was the only way to ensure she would not be captured and tortured by the Hans.   But seeing her again, made me realize that the rebels were right all along. I couldn't join them, however, because of the atrocities I committed as the Red Bastion. I had to flee, to escape the guilt and the shame.   I'm not sure where I'm headed, but I've decided to make my way to the town of Aremore. I hope to find peace and a new purpose in life, but the memory of Kyle and the weight of my actions will stay with me forever.   Rekker


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