Lizzie's Bar

Not only is this the headquarters of The Mox, but it's also a successful strip club. Recently it has also gained significant traction as a Braindance club and provides very immersive experiences to those willing to pay a premium.   As the home of The Mox, Lizzie's takes protection of those who work there very seriously. Any sexual harrassment or non-consensual touch will get you kicked out. Resist, and you'll get a broken arm and then kicked out.

Purpose / Function

Lizzies is the hub for the Mox and everything they do. Any business with them is conducted here, not at anyone else's. They know they're a small gang by comparison to most others and that means playing the defensive. In return, anyone who behaves is safe here. Even those of rival gangs or corpos. It's truly neutral ground.


The building has three ploors, plus it's open roof which also doubles as an outdoor area. Everything open to guests are on the first and second floor. This is also where one finds staff areas, DJ booth (second floor), and offices. Most of the second floor is actually a balcony opening up to the nightclub area below.   The basement is home to servers, Judy's den, and some extra staff areas.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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