Forelorn Hope

Forelorn Hope is a small bar designed to look like an Irish pub from last century, complete faux wooden tables in plastic. The atmosphere has made it popular with some solos who think of themselves as electrocore meets aged whisky.   There's a small stage with an impressive array of instruments available. Aspiring Rockerboys and musicians, sometimes with more hope than talent, frequently play at the venue. Reviews are mixed, but even those who don't like the music show up to watch the car crash. There are frequent music competitions in order to find the better options who will be paid for gigs instead of just getting tips.   It was at such an event on 12th of April 2075 that a group of Animals attacked and killed several patrons and members of bands. A Trauma Team transport arrived and picked up all bodies, including the gang members. Since then, suspicion has been cast over both groups being who they seemed to be.
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