Reconciliation Park

This park was built in the late 2040s as The Glen became a fully livable space again. It border Corpo Plaza and was intended to unify the city after the red decades.   The the center of the park lies a small artificial lake, surrounded by pathways and lush artificial vegetation. Despite efforts by the NCPD, there is a significant presence of homeless who take shelter among the trees and pushes, to the detriment of the aesthetic. Even worse, the funding for clearing the park of garbage has decreased year on year since its inception, and some places are as much trash heaps as they are greenery.   Even with all of its flaws, Reconciliation Park is one of the most popular destinationds for a family day out in Night City. It's relatively plesant and more welcoming of the lower classes than the nearby Memorial Park.
Alternative Names
Lake Park
Parent Location


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