Spider Murphy

Spider did her first major hack at age 9, which was to fake an order at Zetatech to make them send her a better cyberdeck than the one she had. She became friends with Rache Bartmoss in her teens and learned a lot from him. While his tactics were often flamboyant and aggressive, she focused on utility and non-lethal attacks.

Speed and reliability became things Spider Murphy was known for. That, and her online visage of a buxom anime girl with wild red hair and a skin-tight suit. Regardless of how anyone felt about the latter, her skill was matched by only a handful in Night City towards the end of the 2010s. When the greatest among them, Bartmoss, died, she was the first he contacted to let her know he survived on the net. She was also the one he spent his last moments with before being destroyed but releasing his R.A.B.I.D.S. She might have thought releasing them was great at first as it would break corporate control, but she was soon disillusioned. Corporates got a stronger grip as they could now limit each smaller NET.

Spider Murphy was also part of the attack on Arasaka Tower that led to the Night City Holocaust. Her focus was on destroying Arasaka's attempt to upgrade Soulkiller. This included setting Alt Cunningham free. She also attempted to save Johnny Silverhand, who had been killed in action, by slotting a Soulkiller shard into his neural port.

Since the attack, Murphy has released a few texts on netrunning, but she's become less and less public. No one knows if she's even alive anymore.

Real Name
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Red, long


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