
Nepte is a new and relatively quickly growing city, and serves as the provincial capital of Petribari. Nepte has had success in drawing in new citizens with promises of open plains great for farming and land for any and all who would seek it. When citizens arrived, they found just that, and more. Nepte unfortunately suffers from frequent skirmishes with Khurillian raiders. However, with the recent installation of a nearby fort, the frequencies of the raids have slowed, allowing Nepte to finally start to flourish.


The city itself is still mostly native Nephesian, however more and more Asticans arrive to the city each year.


As most Astrican cities and towns go, the town is ruled directly by an Airenarch, who is a local aristocrat who answers to the governor. The Airenarch is in charge with dealing with local issues, presiding over minor court cases, and is tasked with the collection of taxes of the citizens.

Industry & Trade

Nepte provides a great source of food for most the Republic. In addition, the lands are ideal for breeding strong and capable horses, making it the premiere spot for members of the Equite class to find a perfect steed for them. Mines have provided some additional income, however for some unknown reason, most mining expeditions fail as the miners are incapable of digging past a certain point, and no matter their efforts, they seem incapable of digging any further than their small mining tunnels.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Equite's Club is a guild of nobles who partake in equestrian based recreational activities and sport. 


The area surrounding Nepte and the whole of the region was controlled by a small coalition of tribes known as the Nephesians. The Nephesians peacefully submitted to the Republic, actually appealing to them. In return of control of the region, the Nephesians would be granted citizenship and protection by the Republic. After some deliberation within the Senate, it was concluded that the Nephesians would enter the Republic, their lands gained, and their populations joined.
Founding Date
401 3AE
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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