Great Comitee of Kosui

Great Comitee of Kosui is a governmental institution governing the city of Kosui. It has no clear single leader and instead is divided into mulitple seats, belopnging to one of the two ranks:
1. Core Seats - eleven in total, the highest-rank offices of the Comitee. Each is appointed separately by the different institution
2. Appointed Seats - number fluid, these seats are created and disbanded by the vote of the Core Seats, officials are also appointed directly by he Core Seats
  Each official of the Comitee, no matter the rank or the one making an appointment, serves their duty for two years during which they cannot be fired, unless by the court decision.   Core Seats:
  • Great Temple and Marvelous Temple - each of the Temples has guaranteed three Core Seats and is free to internally decide who should be appointed
  • Priestly Assembly - the assembly of all legal priests in Kosi not being part of the Great Temple or Marvelous Temple has guaranteed single Core Seat
  • Noble Assembly - two Core Seats
  • Citizen assembly - two Core Seats
  Appointed Seats can be created or disbandedonly on the general annual meeting of the Comitee on the last day of the Holiday Period. The Appointed Seat that is taken by an official whose term didn't end cannot be disbanded.


The Assemblies have been part of the government of Kosui since the fall of the Colonial Administration of Yama. Orignially, each of the Assemblies appointed a single member as their representative in one the Core Seats. The Appointed Seats were also much less formalized, with the representatives assuming much greater control, forming practical triarchy. The term limits, were however much shorter, of a single year. Morever, each of the Assembly chose its representative at random, believing it would be fair to let gods decide.
A one year, however, one of the Nobles managed to get so much respect from all the high ranking millitia members that the other Nobles decided to make a single exception. This breaking with the tradition initially was met with disaproval of both non-military Citizens and the priests, however neither group managed to stop it. The following year, the Noble representative was again elected for the second term. Citizen and Priestly Assemblies responded with also choosing their own ones via the election. From now on, no Core Seat was randomly chosen ever again. All the Core Seats have managed to win approval for the following year. When their terms were coming close (Noble one on the third term), the compromise was done - from now on the terms got extended to be two years, with no reelection being possible. To further discourage the rivalization, Core Seat power got weakened by introducing the terms for the Appointed Seats as well.
The one more reorganization came after Divine Siblings mnanaged to protect the city. It became clear for the people in the city that priests of these local gods should have more to say as the dieties in question became the direct patrons. However, the details weren't clear. For a year, city had no Great Comitee working until a new organisation came to be. The specific number of Seats and who appoints them became what is described in the rest of the article.
Government, Leadership
Controlled Territories


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