Bogowie The world of gods and civilizations

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The world of many gods and civilizations. The world where societies change, affected by the divine beings altering reality and everything can be considered an Aspect of the Four Concepts - transcendednt beings that gave the origin of everything. The setting for the stories that have yet to come.   Best starting articles at this momemnt: AUTHORIAL NOTE: This world is early in the stages of the development, mostly it will be done by focusing on the specific regions of the world. As such, the categories are mainly based on those regions. My first (and current) main focus is The Fox Empire, which primarily uses Japanese-inspired aesthethics (and that I plan to publish a novel related to it). Other places will be described later. Right now, it's just a baseline, since we all must just start from somehwere. All art is done by me.     NOTE ABOUT REAL LIFE INSPIRATIONS: The human civilizations of this world are using aesthethic references to the real-world cultures. This primarily shows with things like language, clothing, architecture and the appearence (with some degree of changes, of course). However, the intent here is not to create the caricature or representation of real world culture. The point of it is to provide some sort of easy to understand "base" to diverge the presented civilisation into something else. Most of the way that fictional societies are functioning has very little to with that of their "aesthethic" counterpart beyond possibly some minor and vague references.   In short: just because a fictional culture of this setting might be using Japanese names and wear Japanese clothes that doesn't mean their society is meant to closely ressemble that of the Edo period (or any period) Japan.   Ideally I would abandon such close ressemblance of the aesthethics all-together, but knowing my appraoch I would need to construct some sort of cultural bases in terms of fictional languages, fictional clothing or other things that I don't feel like I could do.