
As seen in
Kosui is a city located in the western parts of Yama, nearby the coast of the great lake which it takes the name from. One of the oldest settlements in the region, it became prominent after Divine Siblings cut it off from the rest of Yama by the mountain rage that they formed and became independent from the Divine Sovereigns of Yama . In the recent history, it's the only city in the region never conquered by the Ryuudou Machi Empire. After the repeling of the intial invasion, Divine Siblings became the primary patrons of the city and Great Temple and Marvelous Temple (also known as the Sibling Temples), which worship them, have gained crucial role int he city's government.


Vast majority of the population are Yamajin, but the small and stable Polnocni population is also present.   Overall, ethnic distribution can be break down like that:
  • Yamajin Kosuians - 88%
  • Polnocni Kosuians - 7%
  • Others - 5%
In terms of the class distribuition, there is wealth disparity, but the distribution is mostly granual with the lines between the higher and lower clases often being rather blurry and mostly differentiatted by the legal status:
  • Noble Citizens - 8%
  • Non-noble Citizens - 70%
  • Foreigners (both Noble and not) and free non-citizens - 11%
  • Slaves - 11%
    For the villages surrounding the city, ethnic breakdown looks like this:
  • Yamajin - 98%
  • Others - 2%
Legal status of the villages' inhabitants:
  • Noble Kosui Citizens - 1%
  • Non-noble Citizens - 3%
  • Free non-Kosui Citizens - 61%
  • Slaves - 35%


Main Governmental Body consists of the Great Comitee of Kosui, which is responsible with most of the management, actual governing, organizing millitary and proposing new laws. Their role is accompanied by the three Assemblies:
  • Noble Assembly - each citizen of a noble status can vote on the Assembly meetings
  • Priestly Assembly - each citizen that has status as a head priest of the legally recognized temple or shrine can vote on the Assembly meetings
  • Citizen Assembly - each citizen can vote on the Assembly meetings
Each of the assemblies can vote disapproval on any proposition issued by the Great Comitee. If at least two Asemblies protests, than the proposition is "send back" for reconsideration. Moreover, if all three of the Assemblies decide to declare the complete rejection than the proposition is cancelled in all of the entirety. Each of the Sibling Temples' leadership also has the right to the complete rejection.   The most important members of Great Comitee of Kosui are directly chosen by each of the three Assemblies, and by the leaderships of the Sibling Temples for the two years long terms.   Each of the Assemblies and the Sibling Temples are also responsible for organizing juries and court procedures. The legal responsiblities are usually as follows, in the hierarchy:
    0. (outside hierarchy) Each of the Sibling Temple - judges it's own members and the official guests, outside of the city legal system as a whole
    0. (outside hierarchy) The Highest Judgement - jury comitee appointed by all three Assemblies (two per Assembly), judges the leadership of eith of the Sibling Temple, for judgment to be valid, every single jury must agree
    1. Juries appointed by both of the Sibling Temples - judge the Great Comitee members
    2. Juries of the Noble Assembly - judge the noble citizens that are not judged by the Juries above
    3. Juries of the Priestly Assembly - judge the priestly citizens that are not be judged by the Juries above
    4. Juries of the Citizen Assembly - judge the priestly citizens that are not be judged by the Juries above
    5. Outside Jury Comitee - appointed by the Great Comitee, judges residents of the non-citizen status

Millitary and law enforcement

Both policing and the bulk off the military is done by the millitia, organized on the highest level by the members of Great Comitee. The government appoints one of the noble in each district to serve as the local commander. Each of the commanders is organizing and leading a millitia forces in their disctrict. All the noble citizens in the Kosui are considered to be pernament part of the millitia and consist most of the standing force, as they are wealthy enough to have time and resources to provide higher quality of training and equipment for themselves. The non-noble citizens are hired as part of the millitia most often ocassionally, usually on the lower offices, as they are meant to be temporary.  All service in the millitia is payed by the Great Comitee.   The other prominent millitary force are the Warrior-Priests of Sakusen, being a part of the Marvelous Temple. They mostly serve as the guardians of the most important places and people in Kosui. Their combat prowess and the dedication makes them the most elite force of the city.   The Great Temple has it's own, all-female, force - the Caretakers, but they are nearly exclusively enforcing Temple rules on its own grounds, being on duty outside of it when they protect the priestesses of Mizu.



Points of interest

WORK IN PROGRESS Great Temple Marvelous Temple Harbour of Kosui
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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