11/08/2023 - Let's visit the Museums on Bajor Report in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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11/08/2023 - Let's visit the Museums on Bajor

General Summary

Samson Drake, Perren Muroc and Cornelius Jemison head down to Bajor with Vedek Trin Ovan and Ranjen Peerni Odinu. They took in the view of the city and landed on the western outskirts of Ashalla and created a ADVANTAGE on there landing location to hide the shuttle. They all started heading to [The Great Museum of Ashalla].
Once they got to the museums they started they headed for the The Museums of Flight and Engineering well the Peerni Odinu and Trin Ovan went to the The Repositories of Art and Music agreeing to meet back in 2 hours by a stall selling cat toys.
They scanned the museum for something that could be a Polynodal Tachyon Conversion Generator Coil. The team made there way through the museum looking like they where tourists to the Astronautics Wing where there was a copy of the original Bajoran Lightship. Cornelius Jemison and one of the workers at the museum a Igara Jimayu got into a conversation about there mutual love of engineering and starships. After being asked about parts Jimayu got in contact with her husband who is a engineer, who may know how to sort parts out.
Well this was going on Drake and Muroc managed to find a part on a shuttle that may be of use but fit may be a issue and the size of it is about the size of a large sports bag. Well this was happing Muroc got caught scanning things with her tricorder and tried pulling it off as the new bit of technology with a hand from Drake. They got away it but it drew the attention of the staff.
Perren Muroc worked out where the security room was in the The Museums of Flight and Engineering. ______________________________________________________________________________
Well waiting for the return of Trin Ovan and Peerni Odinu they realised they where late and they messaged them on there con badges. What they heard was "we are not in a position..." then heard a screams. So the players headed for The Repositories of Art and Music. They talked to someone who just left the building in a hurry who thought it involved Yona Dumys.
The 3 Pueblo crew went in to the Repositories which was full of smoke. They scanned for the 2 members of the Taresh Order and found them in one of the rooms further in. Well this happened Yona Dumys ran into to Jemison well carrying some art before being accosted by secruity.
After getting the Peerni Odinu and Trin Ovan out of the building. Cornelius Jemison and Peerni Odinu went and met up with Igara Jimayu who organised a meet up with her husband who could hopefully get the him the Polynodal Tachyon Conversion Generator Coil. After getting offered a Jumjar stick, the 3 of them made there way to her and her husbands warehouse. Well this happened the rest of the away team tried to come up somewhere to stay the night.

Character(s) interacted with

They showed interest in engineering part with Igara Jimayu.
Yona Dumys ran into Cornelius Jemison and was promptly taken away.
The players where carrying: 
  • Con badges disciged as broaches or something similar (Bajorans as well)
  • Tricorders
  • Phasers Type-1
Cpt also asked the ship to call unless emergency.
Report Date
11 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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